You got one life, never use it just to breathe.

I'm not going to work in a place where I can't eat donuts.

Even though I felt like crying, I did my very best to smile.

You're pissed I laid it out and you're gonna go nurse your snit

My life was over, finished, and I’d never seen Pearl Jam play live

I can’t function around a man if I know his ability to give pleasure.

Hate no one, for hate is a starving beast who has just found its prey.

Hate is not a feeling toward another, but a feeling of defeat by another.

Thank you for keeping it a secret. There aren't many of those in this tribe.

Rule Number One in the India Savage Life Code: When in doubt or possible trouble, lie.

We're all lost. The best chance we got is to wander this life with the people who matter.

You want sweet dreams, lose the attitude and you might find I'll give you reason to have them.

I prefer your smiles and laughter, wife, but there are far worse things than your tears wetting my skin.

That’s the beauty of books. We get to take what we want out of them and it can be different for everyone.

It's never too late to reach for happiness and no matter what life has done to you, it's never too late to find it.

Your grandmother used to say that you were two souls separated in heaven. She mainly meant you were both trouble and deserved each other.

Never bury something deep, baby. Takes twice as much courage to be who you are, say what you think, feel what you feel and let it show then it does to bury it.

Seriously, I don’t care if feminists hunt me down and burn me at the stake, that man crooked his finger at me, I’d follow him into a bank and rob it at his side.

Truth, honesty, perseverance, strength, love of all kinds and forgiveness are all beautiful, Tack. The most beautiful stories ever told are the most difficult to take.

Wherever you are, however you got there, if it's good, you're meant to be there either because you earned it or life led you there and you were smart enough to hold on.

Forgiveness is beautiful and it feels good when someone gives that gift to you. But it's one thing for someone you wronged to forgive you. It was another to forgive yourself.

You lose anyone, there’s no replacing them. What you need to get is that’s precious, you get to keep that, you don’t want to replace it. That doesn’t mean you can’t find something else just as good.

Life's a roller coaster. Best damn ride in the park. You don't close your eyes, hold on and wait for it to be over, babe. You keep your eyes open, lift your hands straight up in the air and enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts.

Then she declared loudly, "Smoke break!" and everyone's eyes came to us, some of them shocked seeing as these days you could light up a doobie and no one would blink but if you lit up a smoke, you courted being publicly stoned to death.

I don’t intend to use beer as a crutch and drink until I pass out. So advice, keep an eye on that so you can get in there and get yourself drunk sex before it turns unpretty and drunk sex ends with me puking and / or passing out during the act.

Seriously. Who needed a real lover when you had a handsome, affectionate man who adored you, put a beautiful house over your head, gave you a great job, lavished you with fabulous clothes, shoes, purses and jewelry and would never break your heart?

She's wearin' heels, boy, but she's five foot seven, you got five inches and at least a hundred pounds on her," Max replied and I figured he was being a might bit generous with the weight but I wasn't going to correct him, mostly because he wasn't done talking. "And, lastly, she's a woman. You don't ever strike a woman in anger.

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