My workout is my meditation.

Hamlet is a little daunting.

I really fight for my privacy.

I can't get a job, I can't get arrested.

Hollywood is not good when it comes to age

Hollywood is not good when it comes to age.

I already felt disengaged with my contemporaries.

The Monmouth Coffee Shop is the best place in London

The Monmouth Coffee Shop is the best place in London.

I like eating, cooking and shopping. It all goes together.

I can move around the floor, but I don't know if I'd call that dancing!

Most actors are pretty adaptable because we work with so many directors.

I always liked the Raiders of the Lost Ark. I still want to be Indiana Jones.

I think most actors feel an obligation to do right by the people they're playing.

Even after doing that TV thing, 'Roswell,' I'm still waiting to see my first UFO.

I don't really think of myself as quirky; I have sort of an unusual sense of humor.

My first album was The Doobie Brothers... 'Captain and Me.' You always remember your first!

My first-ever visit to a cheese factory was in Tillamook Washington... yes, I am that nerdy.

I garden a lot in LA, so fashion consists of boots, work pants and T-shirts, unless I'm going out.

1974 meant big cuffs, bell-bottoms, platform shoes with two-tone colors, and body-conscious shirts.

When I went back home to Seattle after filming 'Dune' in Mexico, I thought, 'Did this really happen?'

Apparently, when Twin Peaks was on the air in Spain, something like 50 percent of televisions were tuned to it.

I do hang on to things. I was so happy my father saved his army jacket. I grew up wearing that all through high school.

I've got German, Cornish and Scottish ancestry. It might help explain my affinity for forests, the sea, and fatty foods.

Sometimes for an afternoon snack, I'll get some tortilla chips and half an avocado, and I'll just eat that like guacamole.

I don't think the women in the TV series are really like that. It's certainly not my personal experience of New York women.

As an actor, you're always in situations that can be compromising. But you can wipe away that gray area by making a choice.

Doing a film, or being sent scripts to look at a certain character, it's very odd for me. I tend to take it very personally.

I can't help but feel that stuff that comes to me by chance or on purpose, whatever, tends to reflect where I am as a human being.

I always think of the Pacific Northwest as giant trees, and rain, and clouds and dampness, like the Native American art from that area.

I am a big one for subtlety and empathy. My dad was softly spoken and didn't carry his honours and accomplishments for everyone to see.

The film world is a crazy place to be. You sit around all day waiting for the phone to ring. Are people talking about you or aren't they?

The difference with doing a play is that you are in control. In film you are in the hands of the director and the editor and the producer

The nice thing about New York is that you're finally able to wear those winter clothes that have been sitting in your closet in mothballs

I've done Graham Norton's show three times now. He tackles taboos and subject matter that wouldn't make it past the censors in the States

The difference with doing a play is that you are in control. In film you are in the hands of the director and the editor and the producer.

I never felt that my life was not complete without a child. I don't know if that, as a younger man, I'd have had full appreciation for it.

I've done Graham Norton's show three times now. He tackles taboos and subject matter that wouldn't make it past the censors in the States.

The nice thing about New York is that you're finally able to wear those winter clothes that have been sitting in your closet in mothballs.

I questioned everything. I didn't see a character developed in Platoon at all. The character in Blue Velvet was much more fascinating to me

Actors have an unusual perspective on clothing. You've really got to know the impact of what you're wearing on the character you're playing

Walla Walla is where I make wine, with Eric Dunham. He and I partnered up on a small project for me. We make pretty good cabernet and syrah.

Actors have an unusual perspective on clothing. You've really got to know the impact of what you're wearing on the character you're playing.

I questioned everything. I didn't see a character developed in Platoon at all. The character in Blue Velvet was much more fascinating to me.

Helmut Lang does a lot of very military-influenced things. You have to find the designer that suits your body the best, and he works for me.

The way 'Showgirls' was presented to me, it sounded like an interesting project, and it kind of just went off the rails as we were doing it.

To quote Agent Cooper, 'I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.'

Lynch is not as strange as his films. He's a complex guy with a very interesting view of the world. But he's very accessible, with a good heart.

'Dune' was like a giant machine, and it was hard to keep track of all the pieces, but 'Blue Velvet' was a very sleek, compact little experience.

I get very caught up with things. I used to be dominated by domestic things. I had a lovely house in LA-and it became this growing, mad obsession

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