Billy Magnussen, he's a wild one.

I've always wanted to get a tattoo.

I'm a big sports fan - mainly basketball.

I grew up in Chicago, IL. I've got three siblings.

People hook up. People don't hook up. I don't judge.

I'm a big Bulls fan, Michael Jordan fan, LeBron fan.

Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do.

I want to stay proactive and keep having funny material online.

It's rare that I go on a first date and don't want to go out again.

If I ever buy a house and redo the bathroom, I'm putting urinals in there.

I love being in public places, but I can't stand long, drawn-out music festivals.

I had two things on my bucket list: Be in the NBA, or direct an episode of 'New Girl.'

Sometimes in an audition, I'll genuinely do something I know they're not going to like.

Second City should create a secret handshake, and when you graduate, you have to know it.

In TV, you're always confused because you legitimately don't know what you're doing the next week.

If you have a lot of sweetness and quirkiness, someone's got to have a little bit of bite against that.

If I wasn't acting, I'd be teaching acting. That would be my easiest thing to fall back on is teaching it.

I put out some very entertaining material on social media! Check my Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat! I got jokes for days!

I had this job at Hollywood Video, and during my worst audition ever, I forgot all of my lines in front of Chuck Lorre at the callback for the 'Mike and Molly' pilot.

I lived with a ninja once: a black guy with dreads who smelled like onions and garlic. He had a magic sword. Whenever you touched the sword, he knew about it. I don't know how.

I would like to say I do some pretty good impressions. I'm also one of the best basketball players in the world. I just chose not to go the NBA route, but people say I'm better than Kobe and LeBron.

I like spending time with the same people, so TV is great, but movies are cool because they're almost like a mini-vacation. It's cool to see other parts of the country or the world and get paid for it!

I've had bad experiences on red carpets where people didn't know who I was and were like, 'Get out of the way!' It's so embarrassing to have someone scream at you like you're not worth anything when you were invited there.

I think it's hilarious that you would give an endorsement deal to someone who you've heard their lyrics a million times and you thought it was cool. And then they said something a little messed up and you take the endorsement deal away.

I got so broke that I had to take a job on a show called 'BrainRush.' That was purely for money. I was hosting this game show where it's like 'Cash Cab' on a roller coaster, which is extreme, especially for me, since I hate roller coasters.

Social media really makes it tricky for people sometimes because you go, 'Oh, it's awesome. I'm gonna play this character. I'm going to do this really weird thing on camera,' and then you go back and read all your tweets and go, 'Mmm, well, I guess they didn't like that so much.'

I had big teeth, and I was goofy. I probably used to mess with people too much. People were always trying to be cool, and I was just being goofy and an idiot. So whenever I would get picked on - which happened a lot - I would usually find a way to talk my way out of it or joke my way out of it.

I've known I wanted to do this ever since I was a little kid and I used to get in trouble at church for goofing off all the time: mocking the preacher, imitating people and the things they did. I later learned my mother used to be just as goofy as I was when she was younger. I mean, Eddie Murphy in 'Coming to America?' My hero.

TV becomes easier because you get to spend time with that character. It's going to go on for a while, and the more you know something, the easier it becomes, the less nerves you have about it, and the better it is for improv because you have that camaraderie between cast regulars. In film, it's harder because you got to get in and get out.

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