I work out sort of moderately.

I don't even sing in the shower.

I can have an androgynous quality.

I try to eat fruit and be healthy.

I like spending time with my husband.

I think of dieting, then I eat pizza.

I'm terrible in high heels. I'm so bad.

I don't really like the whole pancake look.

I'm happy people look at me as a role model.

Marriage takes work - it doesn't just happen.

I started modeling when I was 13 or 14, I think.

When it's colder, your skin needs more attention.

Going to rehab was the best decision I ever made.

Being sexy is something inside, and not everybody has it.

I think people like it when you have a bit of personality.

If I could have the discipline to be super-skinny, I would be.

I always like to sing along to some depressing, angry Morrissey.

I'm a woman, and every woman wants to be skinnier - unfortunately.

When I'm 80 years old, I don't know what I want to be remembered for.

I'm terrified of having a little girl. Girls are more evil than boys.

Interviews make me so nervous - I can't get a sentence out of my mouth.

It's not like I'm sitting at home coming up with some secret beauty plan.

I love the traveling, of course. Not the flying, but the actual traveling.

I feel happy about being busiest model in the world. It's good to be busy.

I'd like to be a bit less pale because I feel like I look sort of ill sometimes.

People still tell me I’m fat, but when I look in the mirror, that’s not what I see.

I would love to have children some day. I'd like little gay boys. That would be good.

I’ve never dreamed of becoming a model. As a child I was bullied and insulted as ugly

Stop drinking was the best thing I've done in my entire life. I'm so happy I did that.

What should all men know about women? That we are always right and you should just agree.

I think men look best when they're dressed in something that makes them feel comfortable.

I hate walking down a runway in really high heels. I'm terrible in high heels. I'm so bad.

You can definitely aid the message that you want to send to people by what scent you're wearing.

My mom didn't use face cream, like, nothing at all. She's got great skin and looks very youthful.

Being in rehab it's no fun. But afterwards it's like the best thing ever. I didn't want to leave.

It's quite nice to have a bit more color on the lips during wintertime. And it's festive, isn't it?

In London, I really like going to the Mandarin Oriental. They can even do my feet without tickling me.

I would probably advise myself 10 years ago not to take life too seriously and to just try to be happy.

In school I was always the funny-looking, tall, skinny kid that got made fun of because of my weird teeth.

I feel guilty about smoking way too much - and I have a bit of an addiction to chocolate milk shakes, which is not good.

You don't really realize why you get attracted to certain people, and I do think scent has more to do with it than we realize.

Every time I go to the dentist they say, 'You really need to fix that gap of yours'. I'm like, 'My gap is paying your dentist bills.'

Every fashion photographer is completely different; the fact that they are so different is what makes it fun. You don't want to get bored.

I did quite a bit of running before, but it's getting really cold so I joined a gym. I do a bit of swimming and I'm starting to do yoga again.

When I was the first time for a job in New York, I saw Natalia Vodianova on an oversized billboard in Times Square on a Calvin Klein billboard.

I just like a good, honest personality. I like a real person, not somebody who is pretending to be something that they're not. That really annoys me.

Men don't like me. I haven't been on a date for six months. I've just started a club with a girlfriend called the We Hate Men But We Can't Be Gay Club.

The most fun thing ever is having sex in a really naughty place or something. That would be pretty fun. The location usually makes it quite kinky in itself.

Occasionally I like to have facials but I do think they rub too much stuff on your face. I don't really like having my hair and makeup done because it's a work thing.

If I could have the discipline to be super-skinny, I would be. I think of dieting, then I eat pizza. I'm a woman, and every woman wants to be skinnier — unfortunately.

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