Work faster, smarter and harder

Reward the behavior you want repeated.

Dreams don't come true. Plans come true!

You can’t have a bully without a victim.

The title's more important than the book.

If you're not booked, you're not any good!

What you think of me is none of my business.

Never build yourself up by tearing another down.

Work hard on your job and work harder on yourself

Find a problem that you can provide a solution to.

Be the person others can count on to get things done

People hate the truth. Luckily, the truth does not care.

Love brings about passion and passion is always marketable.

Stress comes from knowing what is right and doing what is wrong

Learn what you are good at and exploit it in service to others.

Businesses get better only when the people in the business get better.

Success comes from what you do, not from what you say you are going to do.

Make yourself happy and surround yourself with people who are cool with that.

You can’t step up to the next level as long as you keep one foot on the lower level.

If it's a good idea, do it today. Not tomorrow. A good idea rarely gets better over time.

What you think about, talk about, and get off your ass and do something about, comes about.

It is a solid business principle that people who enjoy what they do are better at what they do.

If you don't have much going wrong in your life, then you don't have much going on in your life.

I think one of the mistakes typically with authors is they have written more books than they've read.

When you miss the target, never in history has it been the target's fault. Ya gotta take responsibility!

A disorganized workspace means disorganized work habits. A sloppy work environment equals sloppy results.

There are two things you will never be without: One is your reputation and the other is your credit rating.

Everything has a price, including both success and failure. Choose either one and be prepared to pay the price.

Your thoughts, your words, and your actions created the life you are living. You create your results—no one else.

Clean up your own backyard. Change by example. Just be the way you want others to be and hope they pay attention.

Success is not a secret – it never has been. There are only a few really good ideas and not one of them is a secret.

I looked at the fact that people were in such financial trouble I said well people are broke because they want to be.

Everything in your life gets better when you get better, and nothing is ever going to get better until you get better.

Do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it, in the way you said you were going to do it.

I understand what my brand is. My brand is not my information. My brand is me and what I say is secondary to who I am.

I think it's easy to get a book in a bookstore. I think it's just damn near impossible to get a book out of a bookstore.

I think shorter books are going to become more and more of the trend. So I don't think you have to write big, big, long books.

You have to move beyond that vision of the way your life has always looked and begin to picture your life as you want it to look.

I've been very, very successful at building probably the most recognizable, physically recognizable brand in personal development.

Discover your uniqueness and learn to exploit it in the service of others, and you are guaranteed success, happiness, and prosperity.

Don't be different. Different scares people. People won't spend their money on different. They will, however, pay a premium for unique.

I think you have to read a lot. I think if you're going to write about something you better have read at least 100 books on that topic.

There are four basic emotions - mad, sad, glad and scared. And if you touch those emotions then you can grab your audience, your reader.

Few people will turn to themselves to take responsibility for their results until they have exhausted all opportunities to blame someone else.

Go to your checkbook and see what you spend money on. In an instant, you will know what is important to you because your money goes toward it.

My brand was always going to be based on my personality. I didn't want people hiring me for what I said. I wanted them hiring me for who I am.

Don't educate people; touch them emotionally. Remember that people want to be scared or they want to be made happy or they want to be made sad.

I have discovered that enemies will buy your books as much as your fans buy your books because they're looking for something new to hate you for.

Don’t measure busywork. Don’t measure activity. Measure accomplishment. It doesn’t matter what people do as much as it matters what they get done.

You are not paid to work hard. In fact, you are not paid for effort at all. You are paid for results. It's not what you do; it's what you get done.

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