God bless nannies.

Jealousy is a scary thing.

I resent ever being stereotyped.

I just love, I love, I love movies.

Decision-making is very scary for me.

Every role is a new form of surrender.

I've always loved film more than theater.

There is so much in the world to care about.

People have forever been interested in twins.

It's a strange world, as David Lynch would say

It's a strange world, as David Lynch would say.

I will be working with David Lynch when I'm 80.

You can change. And you can be an agent of change.

You must always watch when David Lynch makes anything.

If my career were a hairstyle, it would be helmet-head.

I always wanted to do a 'Ms. Smith Goes to Washington.'

It's always been a desire of mine to work with my parents

My mother is extremely interested in everything esoteric.

I always fall in love with qualities of people I work with.

When man decides he can control nature, he's in deep trouble

I'm interested in flawed protagonists. I was raised on them.

When man decides he can control nature, he's in deep trouble.

Diet is weird. It's elusive. I just try to listen to my body.

There's something so accessible about heroes who have faults.

I always wondered what it would be like to have a normal childhood.

That's life - to turn each other on, to feel good, to feel in love.

I'm interested in human nature. That's why I chose to become an actor.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is one of the greatest films of all time.

I've seen 3-D movies where it seems a little crude or too in-your-face.

'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' is one of the greatest films of all time.

It would be great to make a movie that had the style of a great '30's film.

The really courageous and bold thing is to make movies about human behaviour

The really courageous and bold thing is to make movies about human behaviour.

You can hardly tell where the computer models finish and the real dinosaurs begin

There's always a side of a woman that likes a man from the other side of the tracks

To stay true to your art is such a complicated journey, and Dad clearly has done it.

There's always a side of a woman that likes a man from the other side of the tracks.

I'm a natural blonde. I was a towhead as a kid, and then it got ashier when I was 18.

I tend to always love material with flawed protagonists and morally ambiguous people.

For people who feel things in an enormous way, it's pretty hard to live in this world.

At the end of the day, you have to sit with the scripts and decide where your heart is.

My favorite books are psychology, self-help, and I'm fascinated by Jung, by dream work.

Having egregious divorces - where you just hate each other - is really the easy way out.

I think my mom exposed me to the concept of using your voice for anything you care about.

I wanted to go to Jupiter. That was my plan from day one, and David Lynch gave me the ticket.

I'm not averse to being a supporting character. I try to pick parts where I can add something.

Me and Woody Harrelson, we're twins. We're the same person. I should only make movies with him.

I have never been someone who applied 'work begets work' to my career, sometimes unfortunately.

I got picked for very unique and independent filmmaking experiences with auteurs. And I'm so lucky.

If you have a movie coming out, and people are talking about you, the amount of scripts will build.

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