I've been outspoken forever about everything.

Read your contracts. Up and down, left and right.

I think Ed Sheeran would be a great collaboration.

I think pop culture has always influenced society.

It's good to be an anarchist and just love yourself.

I'm proud of myself, and I'm going to continue to grow.

Express who you are in a world where everyone is the same.

My theory is the spectrum: there's a spectrum of sexuality.

No person or thing hurting you is worth you hurting yourself

People need to know what's going on. People need to wake up.

What I would tell everyone is don't lose your sense of individuality.

I'm everywhere; I'm just a soul that's floating around here on earth.

Kids would tell me I was fat and say other mean things about my body.

For someone to believe in you, is always the best feeling in the world

I don't know if anyone should do anything that's not authentic to them.

I support LGBT rights and reblog things of girls kissing cause it’s cute.

I think that people have a very strict perception of what a pop artist is.

When I was in fifth grade, I got bullied really nastily about my appearance.

I feel like art has been at the center of change since the beginning of time.

For me, honesty is a huge thing, and loyalty, when it comes to relationships.

That is what art is at the end of the day: It's an escapism that we all crave.

I feel like a lot of people disregard the scrutiny that people like us are under.

When you see stuff that's wrong... it's just wrong, man. You gotta point that out.

I like to dress in edgy black leather and denim, but I like a wide range of things.

I needed our fans to know they're loved and accepted, and fear isn't the way to go.

Im not a lesbian, I just appreciate the fact that girls can be just as hot as guys.

Don't lose your love for yourself and how much you've grown and how far you've come.

I love Celia Cruz - she was also a huge part of my childhood. She's an iconic woman.

We want to just make music that impacts people - we don't really care about the rest.

You can't use the fact that I'm bisexual against me if that's something I'm proud of.

This country was built and continues to survive off the backs of immigrants and refugees.

I do feel like the blogs that I follow share an aesthetic and draw a lot from '90s influences.

It's amazing the support we've been able to get from Latinos and just in general from everyone.

We definitely work hard, and we want to keep our fans engaged... we want to give them new music.

Even the fact that I labelled myself makes me mad sometimes, because dude, I'm just a free spirit.

We're learning the business, meeting people we need to know, getting knowledgeable about our craft.

It's cool to be able to give each other that space to really explore ourselves individually and grow.

It's truly disheartening to me to see so many beautiful women who have no idea what their potential is.

Honestly, like, I fall in love with souls, and I don't really even see anything but that, to be honest.

We like that when girls look at us, they don't see perfect little blond-haired, blue-eyed Barbie dolls.

There's this notion that artists are supposed to be dumb and frivolous. I completely disagree with that.

I've always been passionate about human rights in general. I think anyone who knows me can attest to that.

I am proud to be part of a community that only projects love and education and the support of one another.

I feel like all four of us are really powerful in our messages, what we speak about, and what we are about.

Every time somebody asks me, 'Oh, when you mix your own music, what are you going to make?' And I don't know.

We are screaming battle cries against those whose political and personal agendas threaten our lives and sanity.

For me, I love Marc Anthony a lot. He's one of my dad's favorite artists, and I listened to him a lot growing up.

A lot of people talk, but they don't say anything. And people listen, and they don't absorb anything of substance.

Women are super-dynamic. I can be whatever I want to be. I can have interests in so many different kinds of things.

I wasn't born into a family that told me that I wasn't capable of what my brother was capable of. I can do anything.

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