I want to win Grammys.

I really like the whole urban, hip-hop kind of thing.

I love my mom with all my heart. She's my best friend.

I want to be a genuine artist who has a say in what I do.

I landed gigs touring with The Jonas Brothers and Britney Spears!

I am a first generation American, and my family is from Bulgaria.

Carrying yourself with poise and joy and peace within - that's sexy.

I think fame comes from actually doing something big with your career.

My #1 goal is to become a successful singer and share my gift with the world.

I feel what I feel. If I wanna cry, I'm gonna cry - regardless of who watches me.

I love ballads. I'm not into fast songs. I love to put my heart and all of my feelings into a song.

You decide the things that ultimately you do. You have choices in this world, and that's how I live.

My favorite singer is Lauryn Hill - all time, hands down. She was my biggest inspiration growing up.

You've got to make your mark. I just want some hank-panky. You never forget who you are sexy vs Skanky.

I love Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder, Brandi, Sade, Nat King Cole. I like the Beatles. I listen to a lot of that.

My life has been a blessing. I'm grateful for everything I do have and the places I'm going and the things I've seen.

I needed to get out of Seattle. I had to just come into my own world, my own zone, and really appreciate me and my music.

Entertaining and being onstage is such a rush; it's amazing... and I just hope that it can last, and last for a long time.

I just love food, especially my mom's Bulgarian cooking. Taco Bell is my favorite fast food restaurant. I also love Italian food.

I have a passion for the music - not because of I wanna be in the lights or the money, but it's because it's my life. It's my heart.

I want to bring real music back but make it marketable and mainstream. To me, real music isn't everything being synthesized, computerized.

I want to be on stage and perform and win Grammys and help out my family in Bulgaria, because they are struggling, and my mom and dad, too.

Having your nails and hair done can make you walk around saying, 'I look good today.' But challenging your mind can also make you feel good.

I grew up seeing my parents perform and sing, and I just always wanted to be singing, too. Music has always been my deepest passion and what I felt most connected to.

I am really into color and bright clothing. When I'm wearing heels, I always like to throw some different colors into my outfit, so it doesn't match. That gives my look a retro and funky feel.

Confidence is a huge turn-on, but I like a man who's also kind and gentle. It's sexy when a guy listens and can have a conversation or read a book - something different than just going out to the club.

I'm very comfortable in my skin. Everyone has insecurities - I joke around about wishing I had more cheeks - but I'm happy with who I am. You have to make do with what you have. If you carry yourself right, you can make anything look good.

Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.

Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticises you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.

My parents are actually very famous singers in Bulgaria. My dad was in a rock band, and my mom was in a pop group. They met, fell in love, and actually formed a group together to escape the country because it was Communist, and they couldn't leave. They didn't know any English but eventually found their way to America.

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