I have a soft spot for Iowa.

Coaching's not a job, it's a privilege.

I have great admiration for Woody Hayes.

I have such respect for the guys at ESPN.

In life, passion is the secret to success.

Some athletes aren't small, they're just short.

Speed has always been there in college football.

Fisher DeBerry always puts together a great team.

The USFL appealed to me, because it was different.

Hawaii doesn't win many games in the United States.

And I love the Oregon Duck. He's my favorite mascot.

You can't buy the loyalty that ESPN has showed to me.

The more games you win the warmer it gets in December.

I'll never forget beating Steve Spurrier and Tampa Bay.

Teams just don't go into Autzen Stadium and win very often.

When you have a lousy football team, you learn to be funny.

Business is nothing more than relationships. It's the secret.

You better not kick a field goal if you have a lousy defense.

Basically I'm an entertainer and I use football as my vehicle.

You got to have a gimmick in this got-to-have-a-gimmick world.

Tough times were when I didn't have a job and nobody called me.

The key to winning in major programs is how you play on the road.

I wanted to end my career as a pro coach and if possible, in Florida.

I've always said that the games in November are the ones you remember.

I don't have anything against long hair. I've known some crew-cut bums.

I'm going to pick the team I believe will win, regardless of where we are.

The bigger, stronger, faster and meaner my players are, the better I coach.

I wouldn't want to play LSU right now even if I were the Indianapolis Colts.

You can't criticize a coach until he fails to win with players he recruited.

Don't ever underestimate Mike Gundy throwing the ball with his quarterbacks.

You have to build upon good performances to establish a sound football program.

I'm like an old vaudeville act. They'll have to pull me off the stage with a hook.

I always stand on the visiting team's sidelines because there aren't as many people.

To be a contender in the Big Ten a squad must have a solid player at every position.

Randy Moss was a fad. People were looking for some way to vote against Peyton Manning.

I always felt the true test of a man's character is how he treats people he can't use.

I represent college football and have been doing it for 26 years. It's a great thrill.

Drew Henson could go down as the greatest quarterback in the history of Michigan football.

Bill Murray made the headlines by throwing me down and stomped me on the set with Clemson.

I've never had any regrets about anything. I live every day like it's gonna be my last one.

If you lose you better at least be entertaining while you do it or people will turn you off.

There is no question that Notre Dame has the best, biggest and finest name in college football.

The true test of a person's character is how they treat the people in life that they don't need.

Donnie Thomas is simply a superlative linebacker with everything it takes to be an all-American.

Humor is not a sign of weakness. In fact, humor can be your greatest asset in the face of tragedy.

As bad as some of the teams in the NFL seem to be, they all have way more talent than any college.

It's just boring to see a team punt the ball and have the returner fair-catch the ball all the time.

My involvement with the USFL began in the broadcast booth before I ever coached a game in the league.

I don't appreciate people taking shots and joking at my expense, when I don't do that to anybody else.

The one thing I was really good at was being spontaneous. I was quick-witted. I lost that with my stroke.

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