I couldn't be happier.

Honestly, all I ever do is work.

I'm so accustomed to being alone.

It's always important to be yourself.

I don't even think about fame at all.

I want an identity outside of my work.

I've been through a lot as far as love.

The only person pressuring me is myself.

I'm not sure I ever want to get married.

Forgive thyself little, and others much.

I feel more mature than most people my age.

I've learned to let things roll off my back.

Any fear of aging, I think, is simply vanity.

I look up to my mom. She's a beautiful woman.

Honestly, I've hated every boyfriend I've had.

I'm excited to start a new chapter in my life.

A nutritionist helps me eat healthily at home.

People are pretty respectful for the most part.

Figure out what works for you and what doesn't.

Never give up. In the end it'll all be worth it.

I never played sports. I wasn't any good at them.

I don't want to hang out with some guy I just like.

I always change my hair, but I don't like haircuts!

I've been so blessed to work with the people I have.

It's hard to have any kind of luck in this business.

Daily life shouldn't be a fashion show all the time.

I believe in love, children and being a good person.

Everyone has this universal understanding of roommate drama.

I do so much work that I don't have a lot of time for my life!

I like to be judged by my family and friends because they know me.

The only time a relationship is good is when you really love them.

I might play a lot of dramatic roles, but I'm really sort of silly.

Just have a little bit of something that you want. Don't overdo it.

I love New York. You're never alone, but you're always on your own.

I think guys who are rebels and make their own rules are appealing.

You can't judge anyone for what they've done, because people change.

I don't want to pursue someone at all - I want someone to pursue me.

I didn't really like modeling; it was fun but I always wanted acting.

I love live music and I love to see people's faces when I'm performing.

I feel like my friends are in a cult because we're like, 'No outsiders!

I get inspiration everywhere - by my friends, my family, and mostly love.

There's no sense in trying to be or look like anyone other than yourself.

I’m proud of the work that I’ve done. I don’t care what people label me as.

Follow your gut and your heart. You'll almost always make the right choice.

I’m not trying to satisfy anybody but myself and the role that I’m playing.

I don't want to have a friend unless I can call them one of my best friends.

I love Edith Wharton. And I love old New York. Anything to do with New York.

Enjoy your life and put a smile on your face, no matter how hard it may seem.

When I don't have to be at work, I want to be the real me - the comfortable me!

When I'm singing a song, I picture somebody in particular. A lot of it is to a guy.

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