I never dress to shock.

My mum is my best friend.

I would love to sing opera.

I am a whole lot of trouble.

I'm really not that confident!

I am definitely an individual.

I'm glad I was never in a band.

I'll never go against my morals.

I definitely keep myself secret.

I could hang with horses all day.

People don't really know me at all.

In my life, I've dealt with tragedy.

I have my best ideas when I am alone.

It takes bravery to end a relationship.

I love horseback riding. I still do it.

I'm very strong creatively, in my music.

I've always been conscious of my weight.

For me, love is happiness and inspiration.

I love nature and enjoy learning new skills.

I'm not annoying in relationships! I'm great!

I don't get involved in record label politics.

I call myself a vegetarian with vegan tendencies.

My private life is the most precious thing to me.

I would like to be a positive force for young girls.

Overall, I'm quite good with how I spend my cashola.

All my friends I've known since I was really little.

I was the only one at stage school who wasn't white.

Animal testing is needless, especially in cosmetics.

I am, and always will be, proud to be a Hackney girl.

People will always show their true selves in the end.

I love music but, of course, I'd choose love over that.

I don't like going out where it's really, really crowded.

I get road rage. I can't drive because I cuss people out.

Every performer wants to sing live. That's what I live for.

I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat animals, so I won't wear them.

Working with other artists and sharing your passions is great.

Kids need somewhere to go, so they're not bored on the street.

I don't have many famous friends, really, except Simon Cowell.

It takes me a while to come out of myself and get to know people.

I hate the thought of animals being killed just for our pleasure...

I want all of my songs to do well whether I've written them or not.

I'm a positive person, and I try to look at the good side of everything.

Usually when I see someone famous, for some reason, I think I know them.

I think it's really hard being in a boy band. There's a lot of dynamics.

Since there's no more you and me. It's time I let you go so I Can Be Free.

At the end of the day, you should take every opportunity that comes your way.

I don't think I have the right to give someone advice when I don't know them.

I love Thandie Newton. I love her fashion sense as she is just really classic.

The part of London where I grew up has the highest crime rates in the country.

I'd always been quite quiet growing up, and singing was a way of having a voice.

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