Every lap is different.

Racing is very physical.

I was born to race and to win.

I'm happy to race against anyone.

I don't believe I have a playboy life.

I love all of the Marvel comics movies.

Formula 1 is about running to the maximum.

I'm willing to take any amount of pain to win.

During the race, we lose 2-4 kilos of liquids.

Tupac is my favorite artist, and he had mad style.

I know my boundaries. I know the limits to the car.

You can knock me down, but I get up twice as strong.

I relate my life a lot to 'Cool Runnings,' the movie.

I want to crush everyone. I want to outsmart everyone.

All in all, racing with lift and coast is actually harder.

Ayrton Senna was my favorite driver who I wanted to be like.

If you don't have the balls to brake late, that's your problem.

It's important for everyone to stand up for what they believe in.

I've accomplished more than I ever dreamed. But I'm hungry for more.

When I think about greatness I just know Ayrton Senna. He was great.

I take as much time as I need. I want to be fresh and smelling good.

It takes me forever to read a book. I have such a small attention span.

I don't think you can fully call yourself a vegan if you wear leathers.

We have 21 races in the year and Monaco is the one that you want to win.

I don't like to read fiction. I like to learn something when I'm reading.

I don't aspire to be like other drivers - I aspire to be unique in my own way.

I feel like people are expecting me to fail; therefore, I expect myself to win.

The way I drive, the way I handle a car, is an expression of my inner feelings.

I feel like people are expecting me to fail, therefore, I expect myself to win.

I like wearing things that other people wouldn't want to wear, to be a bit edgy.

Ayrton Senna was an incredible legend who will be remembered and admired forever.

I hate losing. It doesn't matter if it's racing or playing Ping-Pong - I hate it.

Normally, racing drivers come from a long line of previous successful sports people.

My Bridgestone tire blows out on a day that Ferrari wins? Smells too convienent to me.

Racing is what I love, so it's pretty simple. I want to keep doing it and keep winning.

Since I started driving in F1 in 2006-07, the cars have got slower and easier to drive.

A couple of my mechanics have become vegan because I've done it. One of my barbers, too.

Working with kids is something I really enjoy doing - that's why I also do work with UNICEF.

Every person I have met who has gone vegan says it is the best decision they have ever made.

Obviously I am not happy but they can throw what they want at me, I will come back stronger.

When people ask me that, I say I don't want to be remembered. It means I'm no longer around.

Generally, I hate training - just like most people, I guess. I try to make it fun and varied.

I like taking risks. I like trying new things, whether it be style or restaurants or whatever.

I went blonde which killed my hair. It was a disaster. I think it was neat to do it for a bit.

When I'm driving, the fewer distractions there are, the better it is to focus on the job in hand.

I feel equal to Mexicans, Asians, everyone. That's the kind of positive message I want to get out.

I genuinely have always had support from all of my team. I have never had any complaints from them.

TO be racing in Formula One with Mclaren has been the ultimate goal for me. It's a dream come true.

I enjoy trying to develop a car and Mercedes are one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world.

It doesn't matter what famous person I've come across in the street, I don't think I've ever shouted.

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