Every lap is different.

Racing is very physical.

I always go extreme ways.

I was born to race and to win.

I'm happy to race against anyone.

My life is worth more than a title.

Ferrari gives you a special feeling.

I've learnt from my life experience.

I like to race, not to do laps alone.

Grey zones do not interest me at all.

Vienna is the gate to Eastern Europe.

I don't believe I have a playboy life.

I love all of the Marvel comics movies.

You must always aim for further growth.

Formula 1 is about running to the maximum.

Giving up is something a Lauda doesn't do.

I miss winning. I miss being on the podium.

I have always been very calm on the outside.

In one year I travelled 450,000 miles by air.

Cornering is like bringing a woman to climax.

During the race, we lose 2-4 kilos of liquids.

I'm willing to take any amount of pain to win.

A1 Great Britain has to look at the longer term.

In Spain there were no TV rights for Formula One.

To be honest, it is boring to talk about winning.

Tupac is my favorite artist, and he had mad style.

I know my boundaries. I know the limits to the car.

Running an airline is a normal job. Racing is more.

Sometimes you need to ease off in order to go faster

You can knock me down, but I get up twice as strong.

When I joined F1, I was 19 years old, full of energy.

If he can't do it with Ferrari, well, he can't do it.

I relate my life a lot to 'Cool Runnings,' the movie.

CART is one of the safest racing series in the world.

I left with nothing and needing to begin a new career.

I want to crush everyone. I want to outsmart everyone.

After my accident, I never worried about how I looked.

Cornering perfectly is like bringing a woman to climax.

The team did a superb pitstop. We had steadily improved.

There's enough Ferraris here to eat a plate of spaghetti.

I thought I would be a go-kart mechanic - not an F1 driver

Nobody's perfect, but all of us can be better than we are.

All in all, racing with lift and coast is actually harder.

Don't talk too much, be focused on the goal and achieve it.

Ayrton Senna was my favorite driver who I wanted to be like.

I feel extremely lucky and privileged to have my achievements.

Good luck in most cases comes through the misfortune of others.

The team came together. We're looking forward to the next race.

If you don't have the balls to brake late, that's your problem.

My idea is to win all the iconic motor sport races in the world.

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