Entitlement is lethal.

I'm terrible with big parties.

I manage to hide in my movies.

I get panic attacks in big crowds.

The best gig is the one you've got.

You should never ask actors about politics.

I grew up in the Lower East Side of New York.

I have the kind of face that people want to punch.

Its the difference between instinct and intuition.

No, I grew up admiring people who played ice hockey.

You know, I have a deep, deep affinity for Dr. Seuss.

You know, I have a deep, deep affinity for Dr. Suess.

I went to school in Massachusetts at Hampshire College.

I'm not that interested in working with impervious people.

Some actors need to be rattled and some need to be focused

You always have to create the character from the ground up.

Some actors need to be rattled and some need to be focused.

A lot of times in Hollywood you're as good as your last job.

Actors, you know, they're often awkward people in real life.

As soon as you know what you're doing, you're doing it wrong.

Acting is like an addiction - once you start, you can't stop.

Every girl I've gone out with has said something to me first.

I'm kind of an obsessive-compulsive person, like, neat obsessive.

I was always drawn to tough girls. I liked that domineering thing.

Where else do you find great directors? Acting is one of the places.

I'm a typically lazy person. It is sort of characteristic of actors.

When my grandpa was moved to physical action, you felt utter terror.

If you are going to remake a film, you may as well remake a classic.

I find that the most interestingly written parts happen to be the bad guys.

Part of what I enjoy about the theatre and acting is that sense of history.

There's the private persona and the public persona and the two shall never meet

Everyone says villains are thankless parts, but those are really the best roles.

There's the private persona and the public persona and the two shall never meet.

I get very nervous around famous people and I get nervous around beautiful women.

I direct in the same way that I act, which is thinking about what the scene needs.

I actually loved Winnipeg. Everyone told me I was going to hate it, but it was great.

I think that everything I've ever done at some point is part of someone else's legacy.

I'm misrepresented as a scary person. I'm not. It's all about my size and my eyebrows.

I really don't think there is anybody in the business with better eyes than Elijah Wood.

I find old women at weddings and funerals attractive; I have this weird mortality thing.

You are what you know, as an actor, so you gotta try to know as much as you possibly can.

Ever since I was a little kid I was obsessed with films, and I always wanted to make them

If I'm doing my job as an actor, the audience knows everything I know about the character.

I love my mother and father. The older I get, the more I value everything that they gave me.

You can think about your career or you can think about your job. I like to think about my job.

It's good to overexpose yourself with work. But don't expose yourself too much with the press.

I remember finding 'Harold and Maude' strangely erotic. I've always had an octogenarian fetish.

I had great teachers, great ensembles, and great companies to work with who supported my career.

I was always curious about motivation and intention, and really, that's a lot of what acting is.

If you fall in love with somebody you're working with, fine, but wait till your project is over.

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