I don't cook anything.

Our time on Earth is so random.

I have not watched 'Honey Boo Boo'.

I'm a big Ping-Pong addict. I love it.

I'm determined to raise a strong girl.

I like crunchy things like Baked Lays.

I’m a big Ping-Pong addict. I love it.

I don't trust lawyers and journalists.

Make your relationship your number-one priority.

I fancy myself as being a fairly competent person.

I hadn't wanted to have a kid until I met my partner.

I hadn’t wanted to have a kid until I met my partner.

We have had a long held myth of American exceptionalism.

We are such a product of our upbringing and environment.

The best education I have ever received was through travel.

There are so many factors to lead to a child becoming obese.

We all need to provide the checks and balances for democracy.

As a culture women are brought up to be fundamentally insecure.

I started running when I was 21 years old and studying in China.

We've got to stop thinking everybody who is Muslim is a terrorist.

There's so much grey to every story - nothing is so black and white.

The city of Oia is the most magnificently romantic place I've ever been.

I had a planned C-section and I cried the entire day before I had the baby.

I had a planned C-section, and I cried the entire day before I had the baby.

My hope is that I can somehow raise the level of consciousness about world events.

You should treat your marriage like a business that you wouldn't want to let fail.

Very often, overweight children have parents who are struggling with weight issues.

We have to start seeing people as human beings. Our entire humanity depends on that.

We live in a culture where were bombarded with so much noise and so much insecurity.

We live in a culture where we're bombarded with so much noise and so much insecurity.

Refrain from being too judgmental. You'll often be surprised by what people have to offer.

My husband and I try to spend some time every night that I'm home talking without distractions.

I never run hills. My quads are already big enough. I don't run to build muscle; I do it for cardio.

I think we need to take a look at the technology, but not depend on it for things that require humanity.

Coming from an Asian culture, I was always taught to respect my elders, to be a better listener than a talker.

Too often, we spend our days thinking about what we don't have rather than what we do have. Be grateful every day.

I used to be so twig skinny that I couldn't eat enough, because I was just naturally skinny. Until I went to China.

I started working in television quite young, actually, and I definitely felt very insecure about what I looked like.

We're doing a partial green nursery and trying as hard as we can to do as much organic stuff for our nursery as we can.

At the end of the day, TV is supposed to be entertaining. But it's important for me that there's some take-away value from it.

I have a zillion bottles of hot sauce. I love Trader Joe's jalapeno. The whole right side of my fridge is filled with hot sauce.

I don't know that I'm going to entirely do cloth diapers. I'd like to be ambitious about it, but in all honesty, I can't say that I will.

I hope my desire to travel so much isn't forever because it's not the most conducive lifestyle for a relationship or a family by any means.

You should treat your marriage like a business that you wouldn't want to let fail. I'm a big advocate of therapy and third-party intervention.

When you take the time to understand why your parents did the things they did, you stand a good chance of learning more about your own behavior.

Hospitality is one of the things the Afghan population is famous for, but nobody says that anymore. Now they're terrorists - and they're not. They're people.

What a lot of people don't know, because in a lot of TV and movies, they have a lot of men talking about computers - it was a woman who invented the first compiler!

I am a crazy online shopper. My husband always jokes, Another box arrived! Airplanes used to be my sanctuary for reading books, but now I have to peruse Gilt sales.

I had my issues with the Kardashians, absolutely. I think there's so much wrong with how they are the most revered family in the country, but they are, nevertheless.

I am a crazy online shopper. My husband always jokes, 'Another box arrived!' Airplanes used to be my sanctuary for reading books, but now I have to peruse Gilt sales.

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