Don't peak in high school.

I really fancied myself a comedic actress.

I find reality television to be so delectable.

I had to do a lot of dancing in 'Queens of Country.'

I have no drawing talent whatsoever. I cannot do it.

None of my friends are in the entertainment industry.

My first acting role as a kid was on Freaks and Geeks.

My first acting role as a kid was on 'Freaks and Geeks.'

You'd be surprised. Girls like sensitive, namby-pamby guys.

I saw 'Clueless' five times in the theatre when I was growing up.

Comedy is not something that a person can fake or learn how to do.

I find that break-ups are so much easier when you can hate the person.

I've loved being the sarcastic chick, but I didn't want to be her forever.

There are some of us who are just born with a more adventurous spirit than others.

There's only so many times you can read how ugly you are and how much people hate you.

I have a special ability to spot TV shows that don't go past two seasons; that's my gift.

In fact, the first time I ever got naked on TV was the biggest confidence booster of my life.

I try to find some similarities between myself and the characters, even if it's the tiniest thing.

When I was younger, I actually wanted to be a CIA agent. Really. I even did the online questionnaire.

I have a habit of getting very obsessive about one thing, but it usually lasts no more than three days.

When you get seen in one particular way, it can be paralyzing. You start to believe it's all you can do.

I feel lucky because most of my friends aren't married. So I don't feel that, 'oh, step on it, you're thirty.'

I'm also 31 years old. It's not like I'm some kid who can be slapped across the newspaper pages like some harlot.

I was a late bloomer. I'm not one of those girls who's like, "I love my body! Hey, everybody, come look at my body!

As an actress - and as an actor, too, but it's worse for actresses - you constantly get picked apart for how you look.

It's too scary in television. It's scary to sign a six-year contract for something that you don't necessarily know about.

There is a certain expectation of girls to eventually grow up and behave and fall in line. I've always bucked against that.

I think if a girl who liked 'Party Down' found out that her boyfriend liked 'Two and a Half Men,' she would break up with him.

On Masters of Sex, especially in the pilot, everybody was showing up word-perfect, and youre expected to show up word-perfect.

If I was on Game of Thrones, I think the nudity and sex questions would probably get irritating, but this is a show about sex.

I usually don't know how to fight hard for roles. I've certainly sent a passionate letter or two... which always leads nowhere.

On 'Masters of Sex,' especially in the pilot, everybody was showing up word-perfect, and you're expected to show up word-perfect.

I was a weird tomboy most of my life. I didn't see the power in my own female form for quite a long time. Maybe that's a good thing.

If you meet a girl who has slept with 100 guys, you will think something of her you wouldn't think of a guy who slept with 100 girls.

It took me a long time to realize that being a girl is so much more powerful than being a guy, but I really saw myself as boy for a long while.

I wanted to see myself as something different, and I wanted to convince people that I was capable of something other than what they would expect from me.

It's scary to sign a six-year contract for something that you don't necessarily know about. And yet I did that most every year. I've done a lot of failed pilots.

I really like doing television shows, and I anticipated doing a comedy, because thats the place I feel the most comfortable - those are the risks I want to take.

I really like doing television shows, and I anticipated doing a comedy, because that's the place I feel the most comfortable - those are the risks I want to take.

I think, as an actress, people get on your case if you do the same thing over and over again. But if you get too far away from that, people don't like that, either.

Everyone who made 'Save the Date,' like the writers and the director, they're all happily married and not anti-marriage at all, so that was kind of interesting to me.

I like being put in embarrassing positions because it's the reason why I wanted to be an actress. I want to try different things and things that make me uncomfortable.

Whenever you're starting a new show, you have these awkward first lunches and meetings that are sort of mandatory, and everybody shows up, but nobody knows each other.

It's weird, It's really weird to be called a breakout star. And some people are referring to my show as the new 'Friends', which I can't really even wrap my head around

It's weird, It's really weird to be called a breakout star. And some people are referring to my show as the new 'Friends', which I can't really even wrap my head around.

I do think, oddly, that a comedic actor has a better chance of pulling off a dramatic role than a great dramatic actor has of being able to pull off a highly comedic role.

There are some of us who are just born with a more adventurous spirit than others. There are lots of people who would rather do the same thing, and she just was never that.

I've been a feminist since the day I was born. I wanted to play football. I didn't want to play with dolls; I wanted to play with boys and didn't understand why I couldn't.

Had 'Bridesmaids' not ended up being so amazing and successful, we would never have been able to make 'Bachelorette.' So we are in awe of 'Bridesmaids' and totally owe them so much.

The family you were raised in, the time period you were born in, and the part of the country you're in absolutely shape your view on sex, which shapes a huge part of anybody's personality.

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