I'm proud of my Latin American heritage.

Most haystacks do not even have a needle.

Nothing is inevitable with relationships.

A relationship takes two people to make or break it.

I'm not too secure about my looks. They can always change.

It's quite amazing how tattoos in general have been more and more accepted.

I can be brutally honest, which can be hard on others, but I'm a good friend.

You can't count on things happening if you're not in control of them happening.

I was heavy and overweight as a teenager, so it's hard to be cocky or egotistical.

The ladies remember me from 'Falcon Crest,' and the guys remember me from 'Renegade.'

I'm in control of things happening in my aviation career. And I'm not in my acting career.

I'd run the gamut of emotions on 'Falcon Crest.' When the show folded, I was ready to move on.

I idolized my father, especially as a young boy. He was bigger than life. He commanded the room.

Sometimes you have to re-invent yourself in this business in order to be accepted in different roles.

Every day, I'm working on my aviation career so that I don't have to think about working as an actor.

My mission in life was to make sure that there were no women walking around who didn't know me personally.

My greatest regret would be that I took my success for granted, because it was given to me at such a young age.

I thought my acting career was going to just last forever - and I didn't plan on it ending at 41, 42 years of age.

Wife number four destroyed me absolutely: took me down to the bottom of the barrel because I had three kids with her.

If ever there was a show that could be termed a mascot for people who ride Harleys, it's 'Renegade,' and I'm real proud of that.

The most important thing I learned from Dad about show business was never take myself seriously and never stop having fun with my craft.

Both my parents were huge stars. I would never have attempted to become as big of stars as they were because they lived in a different era.

I'm not too secure about my looks. They can always change. I was heavy and overweight as a teenager, so it's hard to be cocky or egotistical.

You go and find work wherever it is, and you learn from it. No matter what the experience is, you can always file something away as knowledge.

There are so many cameras. There is so much instant media attention, not just for celebrities, but for normal people that get thrust in the reality world.

I really wanted to be the American James Bond when I was starting out in the business. Then I got 'Falcon Crest,' and the film portion of my career took a back seat.

I love my son. He's a great soul. He's a sweet person, but events that have happened to him in his life, some of his own making - as a parent ,you really can't take full responsibility for the destruction that can happen to a child.

I got my first pilot license, an airplane private pilot license, in 1997 for the purpose of going to pick up my kids, who were living with their mother in Arizona, and I was in L.A. It was easier than to put them on a commercial flight. It was purely practical.

I got my first tattoo when I was 19. The one on my shoulder is an eagle. I'd go to the beach, and I'd take off my shirt, and I'd almost feel self-conscious because nobody out there had tattoos except my buddies, the guys who rode motorcycles. American-made bikes, mainly.

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