Marvel has such a huge slice of the pie.

I believe that everything has a shelf life.

I think Don Cheadle has always done great work.

Family are the people that can hurt you the most.

I just love what Nicholas Britell did with 'Moonlight.'

I always hope to be a better person tomorrow than today.

I'm not much of cook, but I cook a mean bowl of oatmeal.

I really love Tom Hardy. He makes really interesting choices.

Hollywood has to be a better reflection of the world we live in.

Understand that we are all co-creators of our respective destinies.

My dream role is Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion.

At the end of the day we're all spirits having a physical experience.

I haven't gotten to do the leading man thing, so I would love to do that!

The people that I admire have a wonderful balance of self-belief and humility.

I do believe that there are creative chakras or different sorts of energy centers.

People do bad things, but that doesn't mean they don't have other colors or qualities.

I think #OscarsSoWhite is about there not truly being enough people of color represented.

I watch a lot of home stuff; I like seeing things go from one thing to another and get fixed up.

I have to say goodbye to things in order to take on bigger things that I've always wanted to do.

'House of Cards' opened some doors. I've been able to tackle some diverse stories and characters.

If you're not careful as an actor, you can find yourself, at a certain point, a little bit bored.

People will burn through a show in two or three days, and then you're left feeling empty for 51 weeks.

I'd never been around or seen a black showrunner, and in some ways you wish that it wasn't a big deal.

Between the two [parents], it was a really unique upbringing, I think, especially for where I was from.

I found myself sort of becoming a character actor, though I don't know if that would be my natural makeup.

Hold tight to the mentality of being a student, meaning hold on to curiosity and approach life as a student.

Getting to St. Mary's College was a big deal for me because that essentially led to me getting to go to NYU.

I wanted to take on my full name, which was sort of a crazy thing to do considering that we're in Hollywood.

Coming off 'House of Cards,' playing someone so straight-laced, I was getting offered a lot of F.B.I. agents.

Again, having - fortunately having never been in trouble. And eventually I found out that I was on a watch list.

Viola Davis is a perfect example of somebody who's so much better than the parts she has the opportunity to play.

I love hip hop. It's such an appendage for me. It's something that's always shaped my experience out in the world.

I thought, 'I've been doing this for 16 years professionally. I have a window where I want to play leading parts.'

I'm so appreciative that people have begun to recognize my work in a way where it can afford me more opportunities.

How do I transform and be believable as Krogstad in "A Doll's House" or Sir Peter Teazle in "A School for Scandal".

I don't have a wallet. I carry my driver's license and a couple of credit cards in my phone. That, and a money clip.

I was going to try to get into the creative writing program at Berkeley; it's just that the acting thing worked out.

What you see in 'Daredevil' and 'Jessica Jones' isn't the Hell's Kitchen of today; it's a version of what it was like.

Cultures and races are mixing in a very organic way in the world, and that should be reflected in film and television.

You want entertainment in general, every aspect of it, to be more of a reflection of the diverse world that we live in.

I think it's important for people of colour to have similar opportunities to white people; that's what is most important.

I prayed every day of my life, and that was instilled in me as a kid, and as I've gotten older, that's just matured in me.

The freedom that I wanted as a kid would - probably would not have been good for me and not in the way in which I wanted it.

The things that people won't totally accept come in all shapes and sizes and forms, and I can relate to that in my own youth.

Social media has colonized what was once a sacred space occupied by emptiness: the space reserved for thought and creativity.

A lot of actors know they want to be actors a little bit earlier on. I didn't even really start studying until I was about 22.

What I think I learned from working on 'Moonlight' is you see what happens when you persecute people. They fold into themselves.

I think what I've learned from working on "Moonlight" is we see what happens when you persecute people. They fold into themselves.

For my characters, it's important to get really specific about what they listen to. Because it affects how they move in the world.

The more you work and get known for something, sometimes things begin to narrow a bit, and your opportunities get more... specific.

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