Turning 18 is a big deal.

I do watch a lot of YouTube.

I draft tweets, like, 20 times.

I'm a Taylor Swift fan, definitely.

'Game of Thrones' focuses on what's real.

Nobody wants to see a half-finished Vine.

I don't wanna be liked just because I'm pretty.

My family are the epicenter of all my decisions.

I've done 20 takes of a Vine before it goes out.

I don't have anyone's number; I just Facebook them.

The power of Twitter still never ceases to amaze me.

People just get kicks out of making other people sad.

I struggle to come up to people and say what I think.

I'm used to being a small part of a massive production.

People say, 'Do you ever miss being a normal teenager?'

People don't always do what they say they're going to do.

A lot of actors and actresses pull from past experiences.

I hope there are going to be plenty of more roles to come.

I like 'Glee' a lot. It's kind of like my guilty pleasure.

'Cake Boss' does massive, massive things, which are great.

No one is born evil; it's just the choices that they make.

I guess I'm a bit of a tomboy and can be quite resourceful.

Whether I like it or not, I've become influential to people.

Dialogue is something I don't get a lot of on 'Game of Thrones.'

I have a Facebook page for me and my friends and a Twitter page.

I don't have to be making a lot of money or living in a fancy house.

Don't say anything online that you wouldn't want your mother to read.

When you're filming, it's very different from what you see on screen.

I'm sorry; I ruin people's interviews because I just talk about rubbish.

When I come home, I'm just Maisie, and everywhere I go, I'm just Maisie!

I get a lot of fan mail and stuff, and usually it's for me to sign stuff.

If you've got cool nails, you wake up and you're like, 'Oh, I'm happy now.'

I'm a little bit awkward on Twitter; like, I'm never really sure what to say.

When you cross over on fandoms, people don't know what to do with themselves.

If you put music into your Vine, and it's really jumpy, just do it over again.

I seem to be landing a lot of roles with animal interactions, which is amazing.

I'd much rather be liked because people realize that I'm standing up for myself.

Most commonly, I've been recognized from people who aren't actually from England.

I think people think I'm a lot younger than I am because of how I look on screen.

This whole segregation between famous people and other people is complete rubbish.

I don't think Twitter is a platform to build your confidence on at all. Not at all.

In my opinion, nothing changes after you get married. If ain't broke, don't fix it.

17 is the weirdest age, because you can't figure out if you want to grow up or be a child.

I can't ever see myself playing the romantic lead because that's not me; I'm not that girl.

I talk to myself quite a lot, and when things get stressful, I just tell myself to breathe.

People go down bad paths and they make bad decisions, but it's always justified in their head.

Sometimes I wish I was more comfortable just saying what I thought and getting my point across.

I once had someone say to me in an interview, 'You are more ugly on the screen than in real life.'

If I started being braggy, my family would be like, 'Shut up, Maisie! Who cares? Get off the sofa.'

It's very different when you're reading a script to when you're watching a movie for the first time.

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