I wish I had gone to a film school.

I am a big fan of sleek action films.

Mumbai is the most cosmopolitan city.

What is film-making about if not romance?

A song is a burden that you carry happily.

I like songs. It's a weakness that I have.

I am more comfortable with Tamil than Hindi.

Characters are not created on paper or laptop alone.

Every film you see at a festival teaches you something.

Before the release of any film, I feel like a beginner.

Writing is nagging, fascinating, troublesome and exciting.

Sometimes, I think filmmakers grab too much from real life.

I don't have to stand back as an outsider to look at society.

Each success gives me the adrenaline to move to another film.

When I made my first film, I was arrogant and over-confident.

When I am making a film, it's very instinctive, it's not preset.

Films will break barriers - and good films will travel all over India.

A director is a very selfish person. For him, his film is like his baby.

My job as a director is to communicate, and I want to communicate to all.

Once the film is released, once my job is over, I can't see the film again.

Can I call up any actor in Mumbai? I can, and they can say wrong number and hang up!

Censorship should never go. But we can always give a little more space to the director.

I liked Guru Dutt, the way he used songs and the way he shot songs. He was a class apart.

When your principal artists deliver convincing performances, the film's quality is elevated.

You can't say there is only one way of doing things, the police way of ensuring law and order.

Whatever film you do, even if it's a children's film, you do with the same amount of sincerity.

Even in a conservative society like Chennai, youngsters don't feel bound by conventions anymore.

I enjoy making all kinds of films. I love action films, war films, period films, adventure films.

The thing is that when you make a film, it is such an intense experience. It's like being married.

For a filmmaker, whether the film is liked, understood or appreciated counts as much as the moolah.

I am glad that we can make bold films, different films within the commercial market and still do well.

I used to wonder how anyone could treat a fellow human as God. I never understood why they would do this.

I don't know why my leading men have grey shades. Maybe I am trying to explore that side of me through them.

Let me be very frank. I make films keeping within the mainstream and my cinema is popular cinema. I love it this way.

A film is between you and the audience. The distributors are the only people in between us. It is a straight equation.

Bilingual films come with a certain inbuilt practical problem with respect to the setting of the story and the dialect.

Whenever I am abroad, I spend hours and hours at video stores. I look for classics from filmmakers from all over the world.

There are filmmakers who get lucky with the first film itself, and then there are some of us who have to face difficulties.

I want to make a film that can reach as many as possible so I want to talk in a language which I can easily communicate with.

I work with actors who fit the bill. I have worked with Abhishek in 'Yuva,' 'Guru' and 'Raavan' because he was the perfect choice.

When I did my first film, I didn't have formal training; I didn't work under any director. I really didn't know how to make a film.

Sometimes casting falls in place easily and sometimes it takes a while. Fifty per cent of my job is done when I get the right actors.

My films are as much for the people as they are for me. The reception affects me, but doesn't change me as a person. That's important.

That's the beauty of Mumbai. While some parts have grown rapidly, there are places like Churchgate that have retained their character.

I grew up on the commercial film format. I have grown up all my life watching films and they have all been mainstream commercial cinema.

Certain subjects are best done with stars. Certain subjects like 'Alai Payuthe' are done with non-stars. In such films, stars are a burden.

To catch a piece of life on camera and make it come alive, add layers to it and deliver a product that is wholesome is really exciting to me.

Movie criticism is very subjective and everyone has the right to voice their opinion. You go to a movie and decide whether you like it or not.

Every time you make a film, you want to do it in a genre that is different from your previous film, so that there is something fresh about it.

A written word gets preserved in so many forms. But movies which comprise of both audio and visuals have to be done with care and a lot more details.

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