I'm a bit of a tomboy.

I don't have a very good diet.

I get miserable if I don't eat.

I'm not a massive 'Star Trek' fan.

Technology still freaks me out a bit.

I have no concept of modesty anymore.

It's always good to have a story arch.

Even I admit I may have peaked too soon.

You need to shower at the end of the day.

I was devastated when I had to go blonde.

I made a conscious decision not to date actors.

A movie shoots six months for two hours of film.

I have many moments of self doubt. Everybody does.

Ironically, I don't like having cameras in my face.

To do all your own stunts, you have to be so strong.

Every time I see a piano, I have this urge to play it.

I just try to keep healthy more so than trying to be thin.

Scent has become a way for me to differentiate characters.

When I'm not training for a role then I don't really train.

I'm pretty open, and when I do interviews, I end up blabbing.

Playing a bad guy is always more fun than playing the good guy.

I'm one extreme or the other. I'm not good at doing moderation.

I won't take parts where the female character has no substance.

Everyone's set the bar really high and expects me to be brilliant.

I'm so weak. The stronger I get the more training I'll be able to do.

I really need a hairstylist to do my hair if it's going to look good.

New York is the coolest city. The place just never sleeps. It's amazing.

If I have to get into a bikini, then I eat carrot sticks for three days.

All your mannerisms change easily when you have inch-long acrylic nails.

It was actually nice to get a fresh, clean slate when I came to America.

I swear I'm not bossy in any other aspect of my life - it's just on set.

I make my friends pull up their profiles and I'm like, "Show me everything."

I became an actor so I can show you characters and never have to show you me.

I don't want my Patronus to be a monkey! Even though that's totally what it is.

I'm definitely looking forward to doing a film one day with more female actors.

If there aren't roles you want to play, then you've kind of got to create them.

It's just terrible: I miss flights all the time, more than I probably catch one.

I always dress kind of monochromatic and very simple and all that kind of stuff.

You should have seen me at 14, with braces and glasses, gangly and doing ballet!

My hockey is good, but my ice skating is terrible. It's a bit of a mess to watch!

If someone's gonna pick between me and Emma Stone, they're gonna pick Emma Stone.

I don't even know how to Direct Message someone on Instagram. I still write letters.

Everyone's like, 'overnight sensation.' It's not overnight. It's years of hard work.

I kind of feel like every time I do a film, it is me and an entire male ensemble cast.

No one in my family had ever done anything acting-wise or entertainment industry-wise.

My spirit animal is a monkey. Because I have really long arms and I like being up high.

It does feel bizarre, having someone in your work space who's so much younger than you.

Once people see you pulling off one role, they think youre a safe bet to do a similar role.

There is a real sense of family when you're around Australians, even if you don't know them.

I now know how to steal a watch when someone's wearing it. It's an excellent talent to have.

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