Optimism can be relearnt.

Love and kindness go hand in hand.

Political correctness is a minefield

What doesn't kill us makes us funnier.

I'm quite introverted but I'm not shy.

I'd rather eat nothing than eat a carrot.

How to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans.

I like hoodies. They just make me feel safe.

I still get awful depression. It's who I am.

When God closes one door, He slams another in your face

I'm proud of what I write and feel endorsed by my readers.

My mother is the best storyteller. And her mother was too.

The old Chinese proverb springs to mind - No pain, no gain.

Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted make-up.

For feel-good fiction to work, there has to be an element of darkness.

The best anyone can do is breathe in, breathe out and wait for it to pass.

I'd rather dig a ditch than go to a dinner party with people I don't know.

I've never made a secret of the fact that I'd have loved to have children.

Waiting to be 'better' is the wrong approach. It's learning to live with it.

Although will never love anyone again, don't want to become bitter. Or creative.

Why do we have such a finite capacity for pleasure but an infinite one for pain?

I went grey at 12, my eyesight went at 17. I've been a crock from very early on.

There's no doubt that relationships do suffer when circumstances change profoundly.

Nothing sinister. Just getting exercise. Although some might consider that sinister.

Here's how it is: I feel guilty about every single bite of food that goes into my mouth.

One day we'll all be dead, and none of this will matter" -The Brightest Star in the Sky.

Do I mind being called a chick-lit writer? Well, it's not the worst thing that could happen.

I loved being in my own head so much, it was getting harder and harder being with other people.

Every day I wake up afraid that I won't be able to write, that today is the day it has left me.

I sighed. "What is life but fleeting moments of happiness strung together on necklace of despair?

As you know, I don't believe in fear, just an invention by men so they get all the money and good jobs.

I think denial's fascinating. It's a jokey word, but it really happens, and sometimes in enormous ways.

My truth is that what doesn't kill you makes you weaker rather than stronger, although it makes you wiser.

Writing about feeling disconnected has enabled me to connect, and that has been the most lovely thing of all.

In an unpredictable and unpleasant world it was both unusual and very pleasant to hear what I wanted to hear.

Slasher Hathaway marks his territory by spending money. He might as well have pissed on her. It means nothing.

It was only when the salt water of my tears ran into my cuts and made them sting that I discovered I was crying.

I've been so showered in life, beyond my wildest dreams, such as having a loving partner I never thought I'd have.

Minsk! How pissed-off that sounded! It was great. You could scare the bejayzus out of someone if you said it right.

I am prone to despair. We are all born with a particular personality. I get afraid and then I don't want to leave the house.

I haven't had Botox because my face is a bit lopsided and I depend on keeping everything animated so that people don't notice.

I haven’t had Botox because my face is a bit lopsided and I depend on keeping everything animated so that people don’t notice.

I knew it, I just knew it! The person who had the job of writing my life's dialogue used to work on a very low budget soap opera.

Hen nights should be banned. You're honour-bound to behave atrociously, then feel terribly ashamed afterwards. (This Charming Man)

I had spent my whole life feeling homesick. The only difference between the two of us was that I didn't know what or where home was.

Love is an emotion. It can't be seen or touched, and it is experienced differently by everyone, therefore it is difficult to measure.

I know of people who don't believe it, but depression is an illness, but unlike, say, a broken leg, you don't know when it'll get better.

Love is blind, there was no doubt about it. In Tara's case it was also deaf, dumb, dyslexic, had a bad hip and the beginnings of Alzheimer's

You've recognised a fundamental feature of an addict's life. Maintaining your habit is so important you've no real interest in anything else.

Medically speaking, there is no such thing as a nervous breakdown. Which is very annoying to discover when you're right in the middle of one.

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