To have and not to give is often worse than to steal.

If you have one good idea, people will lend you twenty.

He who says patience, says courage, endurance, strength.

An aphorism is the last link in a long chain of thought.

There are times when to be reasonable is to be cowardly.

n every exalted joy, there mingles a sense of gratitude.

One has to do good in order for it to exist in the world.

What you wish to do you are apt to think you ought to do.

Only those few people who practice it believe in goodness.

As far as your self-control goes, as far goes your freedom.

People more easily tolerate opposition than a contradiction

Many think they have a kind heart who have only weak nerves.

When curiosity turns to serious matters, it's called research.

Kindness which is not inexhaustible does not deserve the name.

One can acquire some virtues by feigning them for a long time.

Be the first to say something obvious and achieve immortality.

When art find no temple open, it takes refuge in the workshop.

To accept reason is impossible if you don't already possess it.

The poor never estimate as a virtue the generosity of the rich.

With our parents we bury our past, with our children our future.

Wit is an intermittent fountain; kindness is a perennial spring.

Do not fear the ones who argue, but rather those who are evasive.

The believer who has never doubted will hardly convert a doubter.

However much you paid for a beautiful illusion, you got a bargain.

When two good men contend about principles, both are always right.

Whenever two good people argue over principles, they are both right.

Where would the power of women be, were it not for the vanity of men?

Our greatest indulgence towards a man springs from our despair of him.

To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible.

Those who understand only what can be explained understand very little.

He who believes in freedom of the will has never loved and never hated.

Pain is the great teacher of mankind. Beneath its breath souls develop.

They understand but a little who understand only what can be explained.

There are very few honest friends--the demand is not particularly great.

An intelligent woman has millions of born enemies... all the stupid men.

There are more truths in a good book than its author meant to put in it.

Those who cannot remember clearly their own childhood are poor educators.

Believe flatterers and you're lost; believe your enemies and you despair.

We don't believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack.

Fools usually know best that which the wise despair of ever comprehending.

We usually learn to wait only when we have no longer anything to wait for.

Generosity, to be perfect, should always be accompanied by a dash of humor.

I regret nothing, says arrogance; I will regret nothing, says inexperience.

Nothing is so irretrievably missed as an opportunity we encounter every day.

If there be a faith that can move mountains, it is faith in one's own power.

That bad manners are so prevalent in the world is the fault of good manners.

To be content with little is difficult; to be content with much, impossible.

We are so vain that we even care for the opinion of those we don't care for.

When the time comes in which one could, the time has passed in which one can.

It is unfortunate that superior talent and superior men are so seldom united.

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