I love real maple syrup.

My favorite movie is 'Goodfellas.'

We work long hours during elections.

I am a sucker for Instagram shopping.

I love to swim in the ocean in big waves.

Florida is a great microcosm of the country.

I love doing my morning show with Bill Hemmer.

I'm probably as royal as Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee.

Just like I feel like I'm from New Jersey, I'm blonde.

If you're working for a sexist jerk, you have to leave.

Political pendulums swing hard and feed on stark contrast.

I think it's good in life just to shake it up once in a while.

I'm sort of nerdy, I liked Shakespeare and Chekhov and the classics.

Being a 'Lady' used to be something to which all young women aspired.

We know Donald Trump wants to hit his goals ahead of time, and under budget.

I started my career at the Wall Street Journal, before moving on to CNBC and NBC.

If we live in a society that is stuck in victimhood, we will have lots of victims.

I think most women do not want to be treated as sort of a special class of citizen.

Women should not fall back on 'sexism' unless they really feel that it's happening.

I always go with a classic hair look - sleek and to the side - for election coverage.

Poise is a word that seems to have slipped out of the lexicon. There's no emoji for it.

Ceremony and ritual are like a warm, fuzzy coat to the Brits. It feels good to put it on.

I come from a financial news background, originally, so that is a big area of focus for me.

I'd love to interview Hillary and Bill Clinton together and ask them about their dynamic partnership.

Who doesn't like a good wedding? Even the most jaded, can be moved to enjoy the hopefulness of a young couple.

I've been doing 'America's Newsroom' and lots of other news shows and writing over the years. That's my thing.

Donald Trump is a phenomenon. Barack Obama was a phenomenon. A phenomenon is a 'happening' or an 'experience.'

I don't look at life in terms of checking the boxes, making sure you have enough women here and enough men there.

Early in my career, I was subjected to harassment in the form of some unwelcome suggestive comments and overtures.

I always believed if you worked honestly and pulled for the team, you could keep moving up. So, that's what I did.

Honestly, I have had a very positive work environment and career at Fox News. I really like the people I work with.

I've always been a person that thinks nonfiction is more interesting than fiction, I love to read presidential biographies.

There is no place like America. Between the stunning skyline of New York and the bright lights of Hollywood it is out there.

If we are going to get serious about 'gun violence' we should get serious about facing the facts of the violent mentally ill.

In this country, we've gotten away from institutionalizing and we've moved toward assimilating and drugging the mentally ill.

There's a big battle going on in the country in regards to capitalism and socialism, and it's a debate that deserves attention.

Every time I travel for work, I always think that maybe they'll be time to take in some of the local sights. But there never is.

It was great to learn producing news from the bottom up and although I often looked at the reporters and thought, 'I could do that!'

Pennsylvania is one of the most important states in the country when it comes to the election of the president of the United States.

Fox News Channel has a unique and very supportive relationship with our nation's military. We are proud of it. It's part of who we are.

I think if any president gets 30 - 35 percent of the agenda done within those first 100 days, I think it's a pretty big accomplishment.

Our founders thought long and hard about what the office of president should be. George Washington resisted the role, and then defined it.

A King and Queen can comfort the people in times of grief, and provide a nationalist camaraderie. That is the gift that royalty can give back.

I like to do a little bit of exercise in the morning. I try to do, like, 20 to 25 push-ups in the morning, just to kind of get the blood flowing.

We will all look back on the Trump presidency as reporters one day over a beer, and say, we were there, we covered it all, and what a trip it was!

People choose their modes of information in much more tunneled ways. I think cable news contributes for sure. I think President Trump contributes.

I think it's true that Mike Pence, having been a politician for much longer than President Trump, certainly has a measured way of answering questions.

I think when I was in college I thought that, you know, like, sort of giving everyone an equal amount and spreading it around seems like a wonderful idea.

I think cheerleading is kind of dumb. I didn't admit to my daughter that I was a cheerleader until she was past the age when I thought she might want to do it.

Based on history, many presidents come into office with lots of plans, and an agenda and things they want to start and an order in which they want to do those things.

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