Different is not wrong.

Everyone is as confused as I am.

Security is no replacement for liberty.

Women are much more honourable than men.

I am the conscience of the 21st Century.

Ageing is a privilege not a predicament.

The other side of reverence is loathing.

Revolutions have always started in cafés.

Never fall for someone with a body to diet for.

Writing adds up to the conscience of our times.

The road to freedom is bordered with sunflowers.

It is in the nature of truth not to be at fault.

Calamitous collapse is better than mediocre defeat!

Art is like a fart for the soul. Better out than in.

There's not a lesbian hero that everybody can relate to.

I want to live in a city where the police don't shoot you.

I do see myself as aiming to foment some kind of revolution.

Why settle for the art world when you can have the whole world?

Everybody should be entitled to one lie, one failing, one infidelity.

When the world's run by fools it's the duty of intelligence to disobey.

Quentin Crisp said it to me; now I say it to you: say yes to everything.

If obedience invariably leads to cruelty, disobedience is our moral duty.

I have a fundamental faith in folk, that people are interesting and good.

Art should help you to navigate the real challenges of being a human being.

I want to live in a city where people who make the rules have to live by them.

I want to live in a city where immigration is seen as a new source of strength.

This is the way the world really ends: not with whimper but a desperate chuckle.

If we're being told to do stupid or cruel things, then it is morally correct to disobey.

War is always a failure. It means we've failed in diplomacy and we've failed in talking to one another.

It is perfectly reasonable to despair of a world where the Nobel Committee gives the Peace Prize to a man running a war.

I believe we have to put art back at the center of everyday life rather than allowing it to become a specialist activity at the margins of society.

How rare that an artist should make something which forces us to think, and encourages us to stop and think, to question why we behave the way we do.

Art's true purpose is to be human as opposed to some rarefied activity set away from real life. I think art should help you to navigate the real challenges of being a human being.

If the great Western experiment fails and we end up living in totalitarian war-on-terrorism states, one day someone's going to say, 'Well democracy doesn't work because they had to give it up'.

I can accept no responsibility for any changes in your existence, miraculous or otherwise. You must take responsibility for your own life. You must have your own life because if you haven't had at least that, what have you had?

I realized that the only possible response was to go to my wonderful local café, Maison Bertaux, check everyone was well, eat a little cake and then make art. To me, making art, and in particular public art, is always an assertion of our humanity and our strength.

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