Useless as a pulled tooth.

Conflict is the very essence of life.

there is no truly honest autobiography.

Enemies are an indication of character.

Old men make wars that young men may die.

pretense is the oil that lubricates society.

Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.

The greatest weapon in the world ... is ridicule.

A cat and a Bible, and nobody needs to be lonely.

[On fishing:] Greatest rest in the world for the brain.

From class consciousness to class hatred was but a step.

Love is like the measles, all the worse when it comes late.

It's the safety valve of middle life, and the solace of age.

I never saw a lawyer yet who would admit he was making money.

A little work, a little sleep, a little love and it's all over.

I have a great deal of mind. It takes a long time to change it.

It's money that brings trouble. It always has and it always will.

Men play harder than they work; women work harder than they play.

Natalie Spenser was giving a dinner. She was not an easy hostess.

Herbert used to say that he was as tight as the paper on the wall.

Suspicion is like the rain. It falls on the just and on the unjust.

McKnight is gradually taking over the criminal end of the business.

The one pleasure that never palls is the pleasure of not going to church.

All houses in which men have lived and suffered and died are haunted houses.

because we are always staring at the stars, we learn the shortness of our arms.

It takes a good many years and some pretty hard knocks to make people tolerant.

We are often miserable at our desk or typewriters, but not happy away from them.

when knowledge comes in at the door, fear and superstition fly out of the window.

Peace is not a passive but an active condition, not a negation but an affirmation.

Girls inevitably grew into women, but something of the boy persisted in every man.

... if one can remember without loving, then couldn't one love without remembering?

That is the tragedy of growing old, Chris. You don't leave the world. It leaves you.

every act of one's life is the unavoidable result of every act that has preceded it.

These are times of action. Men think and then act; sometimes, indeed, they simply act.

[On the Irish:] Strange race ... Don't know what they want, but want it like the devil.

the calm of a place like Bellwood is the peace of death without the hope of resurrection.

Every writer knows the terror of an unexpected success. How to carry on? How to repeat it?

I found that my name signed to a check was even more welcome than when signed to a letter.

It is only in his head that man is heroic; in the pit of his stomach he is always a coward.

I have always regarded divorce as essentially disagreeable, like castor oil, but necessary.

Young Doctor Arden was gong through the process of reorienting himself after a night's sleep.

Men love a joke - on the other fellow. But your really humorous woman loves a joke on herself.

There is something shameful about the death of a play. It does not die with pity, but contempt.

Love sees clearly, and seeing, loves on. But infatuation is blind; when it gains sight, it dies.

It was said of Miss Letitia that when money came into her possession it went out of circulation.

Besides, you want the unvarnished and ungarnished truth, and I'm no hand for that. I'm a lawyer.

my family, although it keeps its hair, turns gray early - a business asset but a social handicap.

The stage on which we play our little dramas of life and love has for most of us but one setting.

I suppose that we are only young, Chris, so long as we can forget. After that we merely remember!

There is a point at which curiosity becomes unbearable, when it becomes an obsession, like hunger.

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