We can't all play forever.

Loyalty is important to me.

We earn enough here in Dortmund.

A video referee is useful for sure.

I know how strong Klopp's teams are.

I tend to comfort eat when I am frustrated.

At the German FA, they don't like criticism.

Not everyone can win the European Championship.

I am honoured by Juve's interest in my services.

There will always be players injured or suspended.

The Spanish and the English leagues are the strongest.

I don't know anyone who is more self-critical than me.

Everybody can win things with 25 superstars in the squad.

I do not need to play in the Champions League to be happy

Saying goodbye to Dortmund was difficult for me of course.

You can only become world champions if you work as a team.

Everybody who really does what he is capable of, is a hero

Age gives you a feeling that you don't have forever to win.

I believe that Common Goal can make a real and lasting impact.

It is always easier to accept defeat when you were the weaker team.

I realize in every year I don't win a title, I'm closer to retiring.

In top form, Messi is the best footballer I have ever seen - period.

I am not the kind of person who always hopes for the easiest opponent.

I don't think it's my duty to dismiss rumours which other people invent.

As a general rule I don't have to play in the Champions League to be happy.

If one day I start thinking about playing abroad, money won't be the reason.

I have always said that the BVB style is exactly how I want to play football.

The Champions League is a target for me in any case. I want to win this title.

In Germany, too many clubs are too scared of Bayern, both on and off the pitch.

The first half of the 2014-15 season was a disaster for me in relation to my weight.

If I was to transfer abroad at some stage, then it would only be to Manchester United

I always judge what gives me the most fun and not where a better, more expensive team is.

I don't really notice the loss of one kilogram when I run, but I do when it's more than one.

I rather win one championship as a key player than four championships as a part-time player.

I watch all our games again at home and I know when I have made a mistake and when I haven't.

I was always proud, and still am, to wear the BVB jersey and to be part of this exceptional team.

You often got the feeling that teams had already given up before the game against Bayern had started.

At the end of the day, everyone is repsonsible for their own contracts. Nobody forced us to sign them.

When I end my career, I don't need to win eight championships, I'd rather have done something special.

I have always addressed any mistakes I have made and will keep doing so. It's nothing I duck away from.

Fundamentally, England, Spain and Germany were the relevant leagues I could see myself playing football in.

Some days I think I would definitely like to move abroad but then, other days, I think I don't fancy it at all.

If a coach wants me to stay, then I think it's good that he doesn't just butter things up, but actually tells the truth.

Everyone knows how much I love it at Dortmund but I also want to make sure I'm part of a strong team with powerful players.

As soon as I heard of Common Goal I knew this was a chance for football to improve our world and I wanted to be part of it.

I think we need to start to punish time wasting more rigorously, for example with more additional time or earlier yellow cards.

It's difficult to win trophies with Dortmund but it's always possible. And when it happens, the feeling is simply indescribable.

If you are a player and you don't really retire by yourself there should still be an opportunity to qualify for the national team.

I'm being completely honest. If you sit on the bench and the others win, then you will not really feel like part of the winning team.

I've never measured success in terms of trophies. I would never say, 'If I have never won the Champions League, I am not happy in life.'

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