Our problem is civil obedience

Liberty is a soul’s right to breathe.

He's famous for being obsessive about details.

Life is on the wire. The rest is just waiting.

If you work at something, you get better at it.

History is change happening one person at a time.

It's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.

Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage

If your movies don't perform, they just stop calling you.

My wife is my soul mate. I can't imagine being without her.

You will never solve poverty without solving water and sanitation.

If anybody wanted to photograph my life, they'd get bored in a day.

If you can't help people, then what is the point of being successful?

All you have in the end is to look back and like the choices you've made.

Some people just see the glory and they don't want to know about the story.

Generally, the bigger the budget, the less interesting the characters become.

Clint Eastwood just runs an incredibly tight ship, but it's really laid back.

I should have done it years ago. It's amazing I didn't even want cigarettes anymore.

Right before 'The Bourne Identity' came out, I hadn't been offered a movie in a year.

I think marrying somebody who's not a celebrity, it just takes a lot of the pressure off.

If there's an idea I think is really good and I feel like I can write it, then I'll do it.

For Ripley I learned to play some songs on the piano, and I never really played them again.

I don't see as many movies as I used to. Or, I should say, as many movies as I would like to.

If I had a bucket list, I'd say raising my four girls to be strong, good women would be No. 1.

I believe a solid, really strong middle-class is the key to making the country in the best way.

As a struggling actor, youre not looking for parts that define you; youre just looking for work.

I’ll play Pretty Pretty Princess with you if you just let me watch a little bit of March Madness.

As a struggling actor, you're not looking for parts that define you; you're just looking for work.

I'd love to be a dad. I hope I'd be great at it. That's every man's fear, yet his most important job.

[Americans] can't understand that the water in our toilet is cleaner than 880 million have access to.

It's just better to be yourself than to try to be some version of what you think the other person wants.

If we listen to the better angels of our nature, there are creative and good solutions to serious problems.

Paranoid is what people who are trying to take advantage call you in an effort to get you to drop your guard.

Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker.

If Brad Pitt walked down the street, cars would crash into each other. I'm really lucky not to have to deal with that.

My mother is a professor of early childhood education. When I was two she would say she knew I was going to be an actor.

I think Clint Eastwood is a well oiled machine. Everyone that works with him has the same reaction, "Can I stay with you?"

Maybe if we sit out for the next few years and let Clint Eastwood get a little experience, he's going to be a good director.

It was shameful and embarrassing that there were two years in a row without a single actor of color nominated. That's insane.

I've been really lucky. I'll completely forget that I'm a celebrity. And then something will happen, and I'll go, 'Oh, right.'

Now I feel I have an unspoken deal with the paparazzi: 'I won't do anything publicly interesting if you agree not to follow me.'

I need to know if she [Sarah Palin] thinks dinosaurs were here four thousand years ago... because she's going to have the nuclear code.

You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better.

For a lot of actors, our biggest fear is that we're going to start talking about things we don't fully understand and sound like idiots.

The better the actor, the less you know about his life. I mean, nobody's better than De Niro and you don't know anything about him, right?

I usually play characters that are a lot different than me. I mean, I'm never in a fight in a movie and if I'm in them, I'm usually losing.

I honestly if I get a vacation I'm gonna go and sit on my couch in New York cause that's the one place I haven't been for a very long time.

As actors, we react to the material that's out there, and I probably just react more strongly to things that I feel will have some social value.

The first time I smoked was at home with my mother and stepfather; they were like, If you are going to do this, we'd rather you did this with us.

The ideal life is you don't sell a single magazine, nobody's interested, but they want to come see your movie. Because that gives you true freedom.

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