I value my privacy a lot.

I am the luckiest guy I know.

Katie Couric is kind of my soulmate.

I like getting rid of things. I really do.

There was always an unspoken generosity about my mom.

I take the harsh criticism along with the compliments.

I worry about that every single day: Am I being a good father?

My dad was Jewish. My mom is not. So I was not raised anything.

I like fishing as much when I don't catch anything as when I do.

Early on, I had five jobs in a row where I was either fired or canceled.

I don't want to be known in my life for what I do from 5 to 9 in the mornings.

Broadcasting through 9/11 together, like Katie Couric and I did, creates a bond.

I read the rumors, and I know there is a cottage industry of meanness out there.

I'm not going to whine or get depressed. Who's going to feel sorry for me? Nobody.

In some ways, being No. 2 in the ratings is a real shot in the arm, a kick in the pants.

Not only is it a great concept and a great idea -- helping people -- it's good pizza too!

I admire people who are completely at ease with themselves. But I don't have that feeling.

The Iraqis have once again failed to meet a deadline for a final draft of the constitution.

There are pockets of liberal, affluent America where parents don't want their kids vaccinated.

I am blessed to be surrounded by the people I love. I thank them for their patience and grace.

I don't find anything comes out of getting in someone's face during an interview and screaming.

Not a lot of conservatives on this list. Are more liberals than conservatives screwing up America?

What makes people successful in this business is to be yourself on camera. Sounds simple. It's not.

I don't think it's a healthy thing in your personal life to go around with that never-sure attitude.

It usually takes two people a little while to learn where the funny buttons are and testy buttons are.

America remembers. On this 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the nation honors those who were lost.

So you can look me in the eye and say that you are a president committed to cleaning up the environment?

Outside of my family and my work, I have two passions, both instilled in me by my father: golf and fishing.

Every night at 6:30, my entire family sits down for dinner together. It's definitely the best part of my day.

The fact that you fell out of bed makes some people think you had more than one drink before you called for help.

I learned more from my dad by osmosis than by any talk we ever had. He was the most reliable person I've ever met.

It's rare when suddenly a window opens up, and you see a side of a celebrity you've never seen before, good or bad.

When you get your dream job, you'd be really hard-pressed to leave it. Unless you've got another dream job out there.

Could there have been a better role for Florence Henderson than Mrs. Brady? She nurtured everybody. She was so caring.

I probably would do over the Tom Cruise interview because I've thought of so many things I would have said in hindsight.

When you have somebody in a position of power show interest in you after you've kind of been down and out, that's a big boost.

Over the course of 20 years that I've been at NBC, I have never seen the amount of money I make reported correctly by the media.

When you feel your family is being threatened and hurt, you speak up. And then you put your head down and go back about your business.

I'm one of these people who tends to think that the ordinary people are more fascinating than the celebrities and even the politicians.

There are some harsh realities about this business, and they've been beaten into my psyche. But I'm more of an optimist than a pessimist.

If you are the person who gets the lion's share of attention in good times, guess what: you get the lion's share of attention in bad times.

In this business, the minute you start feeling comfortable about the show you're doing or the ratings you're getting, you're in big trouble.

The vast majority of what I've seen written about me is not true. My family and friends - the people who matter to me - they know the real story.

There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.

I've always liked the idea of walking into a cocktail party where there are different people and finding some connection with almost everybody in the room.

I get letters from women, and they say, 'I love your Roman nose.' If I weren't on TV and I walked past that same woman, she'd go, 'Did you see the beak on that guy?

I get letters from women, and they say, 'I love your Roman nose.' If I weren't on TV and I walked past that same woman, she'd go, 'Did you see the beak on that guy?'

You get your dream job and, in my opinion, despite anything they might say about you professionally or personally, you shut up, and you just do the job - and enjoy it.

I knew I wanted to work in television because some friends of mine, when I went to high school - their fathers worked for, as a matter of fact, for NBC Sports at the time.

If you have a bad experience on the air, you don't think you've done your job, or you have an embarrassing moment. I guarantee you'll work harder the next time not to let it happen again.

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