Italians first!

History goes in cycles.

Leave the euro? Surely yes.

We need deportation centres.

Italians think with their heads.

We can't turn Italy into a refugee camp.

We need to defend the fruits of our land.

First of all we need to move past the euro.

Roberto Saviano is the last of my problems.

With nice words, we never obtained anything.

I don't do my job as minister based on polls.

Italians cannot vote on international treaties.

French arrogance is no longer in fashion in Italy.

Only Europeans can decide what is best for Europe.

Soros wants to fill Italy and Europe with migrants.

Italy no longer wants to be a servant to silly rules.

Unfortunately, you need to keep Italian Roma in Italy.

I don't want to leave euro or leave the European Union.

There's water on Mars, and there's life beyond Brussels.

I want to change Italy and get the economy back on track.

I don't have to justify myself every time I go to Israel.

Italian ports are no longer at the disposal of traffickers.

I will do everything I can to renew a new Rome-Berlin axis.

A country which does not create children is destined to die.

You can't die from going to the stadium to see a soccer match.

We do not accept lessons on rights or humanity from Mr. Macron.

We are for pension reform, jobs, the flat tax, and justice reforms.

Changing Europe is a big goal. But I think it is at our fingertips.

The euro is a failed currency, a wrong currency, a failed experiment.

Like Trump, I would say that fake news is distributed 24 hours a day.

We need to review treaties to make them reflect our national interest.

If saying 'Italians first' is xenophobic, then I don't know what to say.

The euro is... a failed currency, a wrong currency, a failed experiment.

Long live sausage! Long live salami! Long live pork, coppa, and pancetta!

We will go to Europe to change the rules that have impoverished Italians.

Let the French ministers take care of France; we will take care of Italy!

The so-called 'far right' defends the working class far more than the left does.

On immigration, the League and Five Star's positions start from notable distances.

I'm against illegal migrants. Too many of them are dangerous for Italy and Europe.

We are under attack. Our culture, society, traditions, and way of life are at risk.

I would like free movement within the E.U. as a result of us protecting external borders.

We don't need a strongman. But we need a strong country that is not subordinate to Europe.

Let's take back our currency; then we can discuss at what conditions we can stay in the E.U.

We need a mass cleansing, street by street, piazza by piazza, neighbourhood by neighbourhood.

No one will ever manage to convince me that the Fornero law is right and should not be changed.

I believe in the Italy of municipalities, of the Renaissance, not in Mussolini's centralization.

I will seek to change some of the European treaties and regulations which penalise Italian people.

I tell the truth and they call me a fascist, a racist, an ugly, dirty, nasty, xenophobic populist.

If Rome gets to decide everything for the north and for the south, it's not a good and just thing.

We need to put Italian interests before those of the European Union, or at least at the same level.

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