Italians first!

History goes in cycles.

I am not overconfident.

God holds with the strong.

Good council has no price.

Leave the euro? Surely yes.

We need deportation centres.

The historian amputates reality.

Pardon is the virtue of victory.

Italians think with their heads.

The religion of humanity is love.

Art does not imitate, but interpret.

The family is the country of the heart.

Music is the fragrance of the universe.

Power wears out those who don't have it.

We can't turn Italy into a refugee camp.

Labor is the divine law of our existence.

We need to defend the fruits of our land.

Power tires only those who do not have it.

First of all we need to move past the euro.

Roberto Saviano is the last of my problems.

It is only thanks to God that I'm an atheist

With nice words, we never obtained anything.

I am a Christian, therefore I am a communist.

I don't do my job as minister based on polls.

Nobody can ask us to abjure our fascist roots.

Liberty and equality--lovely and sacred words!

Italians cannot vote on international treaties.

Berlusconi is no longer fit to lead our country.

French arrogance is no longer in fashion in Italy.

Only Europeans can decide what is best for Europe.

Soros wants to fill Italy and Europe with migrants.

Power is a disease one has no desire to be cured of.

Sorrow is not evil, since it stimulates and purifies.

Italy no longer wants to be a servant to silly rules.

Unfortunately, you need to keep Italian Roma in Italy.

Constancy is the complement of all other human virtues.

I don't want to leave euro or leave the European Union.

There's water on Mars, and there's life beyond Brussels.

I want to change Italy and get the economy back on track.

I don't have to justify myself every time I go to Israel.

I have some state secrets I will take with me to paradise.

Ideas grow quickly when watered with the blood of martyrs.

Priests have to have the right to say that a sin is a sin.

Mussolini was the greatest political leader of the century.

In church I feel very close to the publican of the parable.

Constancy is the complement of all the other human virtues.

I will do everything I can to renew a new Rome-Berlin axis.

Italian ports are no longer at the disposal of traffickers.

Nobody can be rich and stupid for more than one generation.

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