We are in the cosmos and the cosmos is in us.

Im not really a tropical paradise kind of person.

I'm not really a tropical paradise kind of person.

I think that there's a hidden darkness in all of us!

Cars are part of our genetic makeup. It's unavoidable.

After 'Lost', I never need to take a job for the money again.

To create is always to learn, to begin over, to begin at zero.

Awe is the beginning of wisdom. Awe is the beginning of education.

Creation is all space, all time - all things past, present, and future.

Animals teach us about the animals in ourselves. We need their spirits.

Big-heartednes s is the most essential virtue on the spiritual journey.

Our self-expression is meant to be a manifestation of the silence of our hearts.

Humor and paradox are often the only ways to respond to life's sorrow with grace.

I've always been into cars. Cars are part of our genetic makeup. It's unavoidable.

I'm an actor. I try to play a character in a really cool story, the very best I can.

I played football for a huge portion of my life, all the way through college actually.

Prayer is essentially about making the heart strong so that fear cannot penetrate there.

What is of most moment of compassion is not feelings of pity but feelings of togetherness.

A global awakening can only happen from a spiritual awakening that is of global dimensions.

I think you've got to take your time and make sure you're making choices that are smart for you.

I'm either going to have the career I want doing films, or I'll do something else - I'll be gone.

Filmmaking is always sort of building a mosaic of this arc of what the character is going through.

I turn a lot of stuff down - big, big movies, the kind I wouldn't want to go to the cinema to see.

I directed an episode of 'Party of Five' toward the very end of that show. It was a great experience.

I put a lot of pressure on myself and I think I am quite... well, intense about driving other people.

Sustainability is another word for justice, for what is just is sustainable and what is unjust is not.

Work should be in order to live. We don't live in order to work. That shift in awareness is necessary.

To connect with the great river we all need a path, but when you get down there there's only one river.

It is precisely the despair of our times that convinces me that a renaissance is right around the corner.

The only way to learn compassion is through your heart; you have to back up and pass through your own pain.

The prophets preach . . . that pleasure, not will-power and coercion, is how you most deeply transform people.

Do not confuse beauty with beautiful. Beautiful is a human judgment. Beauty is All. The difference is everything.

I'm sorry, but I can't make a movie with the blonde from 'ER' who is starring in every single bad romantic comedy.

The system is not working. That is how a paradigm shift begins: the established way of seeing the world no longer functions.

I'll put it to you this way: I never, ever think about the things that I get involved with on a macro means-to-an-ends scale.

When our inner self connects to our work and our work to our inner self, the work knows no limit, for the inner self knows no limit.

I'm not saying I want a film career because I think I'm too good for television. I'm simply saying I want more control over my life.

I'm really enjoying the process of learning to fly. How it will fit into my life down the road - I'm looking forward to discovering that.

Having a studio tell you when to jump and how high eight months of the year for six years is not a relationship I want to get into again.

There is no end to the beauty for the person who is aware. Even the cracks between the sidewalk contain geometric patterns of amazing beauty.

I didn't learn to swim until I was 21 or something because I grew up in the mountains in Wyoming and all the water is glacier runoff and cold.

Sometimes people look to others for answers they can find within themselves. I don't really want the responsibility of being the guy they look to.

Today's Catholic church seems to reward authoritarian personalities who are clearly ill, violent, sexually obsessed and unable to remember the past.

I enjoy a four-seasonal climate and wide-open spaces, so being on an island 2,500 miles into the South Pacific made me feel a little claustrophobic.

A lot of people want to see this idealized version of heroism, all pretty and perfect, and I'm not interested in playing the goody-goody hero at all.

If you look at men's roles for the last thousand years, the desire is fundamental. We want to take care of, provide for, and be of service to... women.

When the Sacred Masculine is combined with the sacred feminine inside each of us, we create the 'sacred marriage' of compassion and passion in ourselves.

Pain destroys the illusions of false, that is, elitist pleasures. It burns from the inside out. It, therefore, sensitizes us to what is truly beautiful in life.

If you look closely at a tree you'll notice it's knots and dead branches, just like our bodies. What we learn is that beauty and imperfection go together wonderfully.

Beauty saves. Beauty heals. Beauty motivates. Beauty unites. Beauty returns us to our origins, and here lies the ultimate act of saving, of healing, of overcoming dualism.

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