Love is closeness.

A little flattery goes a long way.

A simple thank-you goes a long way.

Guys aren't used to out-of-the-blue compliments.

A hint of competition goes a long way with guys.

Anything that a man hears is sexy is gold to him.

It's powerful for a guy to know your exes have regrets.

Boldness is sexy, especially when it's done with a wink.

You invest in someone based on how much they invest in you.

The right man applauds your potential, he doesn't stifle it.

Too many women are being chosen by men that they don't choose.

The easy way to make your texts sexier? Lose the question marks.

Remember, the pain of rejection is nothing compared to the pain of regret.

If you look like you're hiding something, we're more likely to swipe left.

Guys don't approach women who look like they are going to say 'Sorry, no.'

Remember that the most confident people make others feel confident around them.

Any online dating profile is about making us more human, more three-dimensional.

I have strong views, and I can't imagine not ever being honest about those views.

If you are in a toxic relationship, that poisons you everywhere else in your life.

I've never done a trendy diet or subscribed to a fashionable health fad in my life.

People en masse have lost the ability to go out there and meet people in real life.

The number one mistake people make in attraction is either doing too much or too little.

Even when I was young, I cared too much about what other people thought, especially girls.

Friendship language is, 'You look nice tonight.' Desire language is, 'You look hot tonight.'

Speaking from personal experience, if someone asked me on a date, I would still want to pay.

Don't just praise a guy's achievements. Praise the personality traits that made them possible.

I've spoken to over 10,000 guys in my career, so I know what they think when it comes to dating.

Women are conditioned to believe Prince Charming is going to come and sweep them off their feet.

If you want to meet a better quality man, you're going to have to get used to taking more risks.

Commitment phobes will be scared of making plans for the next weekend, let alone six months from now!

The need to make sure everyone knows all of the great stuff about us is usually an insecurity in itself.

I'm not someone who likes having a master plan for everything, but I do believe in a vision for your life.

You know he's invested when he doesn't treat his 'friend time' and 'girlfriend time' as mutually exclusive.

Too many people say they want someone extraordinary in their lives but they aren't extraordinary themselves.

The idea of empowering people and that moment when someone sees what they are capable of is just incredible to me.

Women want to attract a 'high-value' man. If that's the man you want to attract you have to be high value yourself.

If he doesn't follow through with actions, he's either selfish or a liar. Neither makes him sound like The One, does it?

We don't enter relationships hoping to create an extraordinary existence; we come to them to share one with someone else.

It's instinct: Men love to feel like they take care of you. Knowing you feel protected makes his ego grow two sizes bigger.

Research shows that making eye contact is a powerful draw for guys - even in photos. Just don't mistake duck face for flirty.

The key to asking someone out is to not really ask. In other words, don't feel your sentence needs to end with a question mark.

In terms of relationships, women often completely over-estimate the confidence of men, and forget about needing to feel validated.

We've all grown wary of being lied to online - let's face it, dudes are always exaggerating their heights - so trust is a hot commodity.

Your Friday and Saturday nights are sacred. When a new guy asks for a prime-time date early on, suggest drinks and make him the warm-up.

There's nothing like a man watching a roomful of guys look his woman up and down to make him desire what he already has (and vice versa).

Men feel safe and more open when they know that the woman they're talking to approves of their passion for a particular band/book/cereal.

Guys don't get as many physical compliments as women do. Tell him his CrossFit habit is paying off. He'll work double time to impress you.

A man who is invested takes the time to get to know you well, and his gifts will be a testament to his expert grasp of your likes and dislikes.

The coolest people reveal themselves gradually, and flirting isn't just about making yourself look great, it's about making him feel great too.

In this new era of social media the rules of the road have changed significantly, yet the basic yearning for true connectivity and love have not.

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