I have no regrets about leaving Barcelona.

Messi is the best footballer in the world.

A hat trick in a derby is a special thing.

My family is very much at home here in Milan.

I do what I want and don't care about the others.

I really hope I can lift many trophies with Inter.

I'm Argentine, and that's why I admire Messi most.

Every time I touch the ball against Juve, it goes in.

I always watch the national team games and am a big fan.

If I receive a phone call from Real Madrid, I won't answer.

I'm a striker, and I can only score if the ball gets to me.

The future is in our hands; we are masters of our own destiny.

I'm not interested in rumours; what counts is winning with Inter.

At the end, what matters is that the team wins, not only my goals.

I think I'll just become a full-time dad, at home, with my family.

On or off the team, I will still feel that I am with my teammates.

I have great technique, a good shot, and I'm pretty good in the air.

People compare me to Batistuta, and he is the player I base myself on.

Playing with Messi, who is the best player in the world, would be great.

I'm very grateful to Italian football for the opportunity it has given me.

I can see myself winning a few Scudettos and at least one Champions League.

I think a player should be evaluated for what he does on the playing field.

All players want to be in the Champions League, but I'm happy here at Inter.

I'm a forward, and I need to score goals, but I want to play at a higher level.

I'm not going to be a coach or a director - they are not roles that I would like.

Scoring in the Derby d'Italia is always important and a source of great satisfaction.

I received lots of offers, but Inter are a big club, and I can carry on growing here.

My family are happy in Italy. We're first, and I'm top scorer. What more could I ask for?

I love Argentina because I was born there, and there are some gorgeous places to visit there.

I'm the Inter striker, and in football, if the strikers aren't scoring, then they're not helping.

The unhappy people are those who listen to others. I never listened to anyone, and I'm very happy.

At the Barcelona youth academy, I lived right next to Camp Nou, but I spent my days watching movies.

Why don't I earn very much? I don't know; you'd have to ask my agent. Maybe I'm just not very bright!

I knew about Inter's history, and it's beautiful to be part of such a glorious and well organised club.

I had the dream of playing in the Champions League in the Inter shirt, and therefore, I couldn't leave.

If you are the coach of a national team, you have to evaluate players based on what they do on the pitch.

I've got Argentinian blood running through my veins, and I've always wanted to wear the shirt of my country.

Inter's objective has always got to be the ultimate: win the Scudetto and get back into the Champions League.

I am 25 years old, have been the captain of Inter for three years, and I am part of club history with my goals.

Playing for Barcelona's academy was a very important time for me and my career, as I learned a great deal here.

I don't know why I keep getting roped in with the so-called 'bad boys' of football. I really don't care, either.

It is very important for me to be able to play and develop with players like Messi, Dybala, Di Maria, and Banega.

If Inter decide to sell me, I'll pack my bags and go. If not, I'll stay here in Milan where I am honestly very happy.

When I decided to come to Inter, I did so because I am an Inter fan and because I wanted to win a lot with this shirt.

It will be hard to become the best South American striker because, from Argentina, there are lots of outstanding players.

People mainly talk about the goals in football, so that's why people talk a lot about me, but a team is created with everybody's input.

Football is a sport I have fun with, but I play it, and that's all. I never watch games and know nothing about what's going on in the sport.

I liked the idea of being a father, to have a child, and finally Francesca arrived, and now the house is insane because she cries all day, and at night, she doesn't let us sleep.

Each coach you have gives a little something to every player, but the one who changed my game the most was Mancini. He taught me to play more outside the area, dropping me back a bit.

Regarding my pay, my salary, that I don't 'earn a lot,' these are things that are a result of two years ago when I came to Inter. To me, it was a good contract for having arrived at Inter. I signed the contract with the excitement and desire to prove my worth and be an important player for Inter.

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