I really love laughing.

I feel like I'm a drag queen.

I like comedy as a group sport.

I have an equal opportunity womb!

No, no, no. Your accent is so beautiful.

Because you want to keep an air of calm and cool.

I think that people who don't like kids are awful people.

I still have a fantasy of being a musician when I grow up.

To have your childhood dream realized is a really big deal.

I don't know if comedy is a male sport. I always wondered that.

Without a doubt in sketch comedy there are fewer women than men.

I get anxious. That lovely Jewish guilt that comes with ancestry.

I was a loud child, and if my mother sang to me, I would be quiet.

Lord knows I had what you could call many fashion Don'ts in my day.

There are days when I wonder why my mom couldn't be here to see this.

To grow up with the loss of your mother is a scar that never goes away.

I would love it if you would come in and teach me how to really do you.

I never thought I'd get a chance to do what I'm doing. It's such a dream.

I like being a funny lady. I think theres nothing sexier than a funny lady.

If my time with my kids is shorter than it was yesterday, it's better than nothing.

Before I had children, everything about my life was devoted to Saturday Night Live.

I've met people who are baffled by children, as though they were never children themselves.

Before I had children, I was - everything about my life was devoted to "Saturday Night Live."

Honestly, because it's my third, I feel like I've been pregnant for like six years, seriously.

The thing you can do better than anyone else is love your children, because they're your children.

I thought she was the funniest woman, and I believed being a comedian was the most exciting thing you could be.

I've been writing joke songs since I was a kid and it served me well at S.N.L. I can write those in my sleep. In fact, I have.

I learned the enormous power of writing for yourself, especially now that people seem to be receptive to the fact that women can write.

I don't look my best when I wake up! But I do feel beautiful when I'm tired and happy and I've had a good laugh and a glass of champagne.

You don't want to be the first person to tell your 5-year-old, like, 'You're going to have a life filled with disappointments and letdowns - enjoy!'

Most of my life I didn't feel very normal. There's definitely been some moments where I feel like, all right, I've finally graduated and I'm a normal lady.

I feel like I come from a smaller off shoot of black people because I am mixed. People say I’m African American but that doesn’t include the other half of me.

I feel like I come from a smaller off shoot of black people because I am mixed. People say I'm African American but that doesn't include the other half of me.

I've never set out to write a funny movie or be a funny comedian as a woman. I am a woman. I don't really have a choice in the matter. My goal is just to be funny.

I'm always learning when I'm surrounded by great people. In every experience, I feel like I'm learning. I'm not like, "Oh good. I'm done! I don't have to learn anymore."

When I first moved to New York, someone who thought they knew more than I did said: "You have to always look like you know where you're going when you get out of the subway."

And in Improvisation there is one hard and fast rule, and that rule is known as "Yes And." The term YES AND: to say yes, and not just yes, but to add information. In the adding of information you don't negate the other persons idea - but you build on it.

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