I love being physical. It makes me feel like I sickly love the pain of it.

My dream role would be to play a femme fatale in a Quentin Tarantino movie.

I love the action stuff. Honestly, I like sci-fi and everything supernatural.

I work a lot with a green screen, which is really time consuming. All the special effects are.

I would love to do films. It's just the way things happened for me - I ended up doing a lot of TV.

I've always been into the horror genre, so I've seen a lot of movies with ghosts and supernatural stuff.

To me, the fans just seem so loyal, above anything, which is amazing. What more can you ask for in a fan?

It's hard to keep the energy and the emotion of the scene when they're installing a massive green screen behind you.

That sense of family. And the way that we all interact and collaborate together. It's really gonna be something I'm gonna miss.

I'm not one of those actors that goes to watch the playback, after every take. I really don't like it, and I don't want to see it.

I watched a lot of movies when I was younger and I remember, when I was seven years old, I asked my parents if I could have an agent for Christmas.

When I talk to people and I get animated, I touch them and am very physically involved. It's actually been really hard, but it's an acting challenge.

There aren't as many roles for people who look like me, and it was always complicated when it came to casting my parents. But now I couldn't be more grateful that I have a different look.

I always try to look at the episode overall, and try to figure out where I can add something that's a little ironic or self-aware or light because I think that's what makes the show special.

High school was hard for me. I tried really hard to fit in and said the things I thought people wanted to hear. But I was unsure of myself. I was self-conscious, and I didn't really know my place or where I fit in.

My dad's family is part British and Austrian, and my mother's family is from Goa, which is in the south of India. I looked different from everyone else, which now is such a blessing. It was harder at the beginning of my career.

I am so attracted to ambition and drive and talent. If a man loves something and can put his heart into it, I am instantly into him. I like a strong man who can be in control and make decisions but who is sensitive and attentive. That is the perfect combination.

When I was younger, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do, but I told a lot of lies in school. I told my friends once that I was playing John Travolta's daughter in a movie. I also told people that I had this romantic affair with Jonathan Taylor Thomas over a summer.

I fully believe in ghosts. I have, my entire life. The first house I ever lived in was haunted. There was a grave of a man in the backyard. I was just a baby then, but my parents would tell me that every night, at the same time, they would hear someone walking up the stairs.

I remember so many times taking classes and feeling completely discouraged because I felt like I wasn't getting it and I couldn't understand. I kept working at it and I kept going back to class, and I wouldn't let myself get intimidated or get scared away, and it really does pay off.

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