Anyone can be James Dean for a day.

I have a very wonderful bath ritual.

I never doubted my place in the world.

Flip-flops are a privilege, not a right.

Honestly, I'm not so much of a tech guy.

Buy less, buy better, and really wear it.

Edie and Lew Wasserman were chic as hell.

I'm actually really obsessed with folk art.

My favorite place to shop is: any Duane Reade.

Swedish winters are not for the faint of heart.

Everyone looks better and more alive in a pink shirt.

The beauty of men's shoppers is that they're super loyal.

There's nothin' wrong with the way men dress in New York!

You get to a certain age, and you learn what looks good on you.

I'm a New Yorker, so I don't own a car, but I rent a lot of cars.

I personally would rather layer up than put on a big, heavy coat.

My goal is to elevate the whole casual end of the guy's wardrobe.

A cheap suit is a cheap suit; there's nothing you can do about it.

Men always want to look like themselves, just a little bit better.

Guys look best when they have a healthy disrespect for their clothes.

I'm always asking, 'How do you give a guy a new reason to buy a polo?'

Always have a pink Oxford shint ready for days when you're feeling run down.

A shirt's not just a shirt. It's the experience of what goes into that shirt.

I get my best ideas in that state of suspended consciousness just before sleep.

What I know of Hawaii is from watching the 'Brady Bunch' shows from the seventies.

I stay in a lot of hotels, and the best part of travel is getting back to my own bed.

You can have a real ongoing dialogue through social media that wasn't possible before.

I'm a big fan of TV on demand. I'm embarrassed to say what I watch. It's the worst crap.

I still don't think I'm a fashion guy. I think I'm a clothes guy. I'm a little obsessive.

Boston's such a unique city. I feel like 50 percent of its DNA turns over every semester.

Preppy never goes away. It just has its moment every 15 years, and then it goes back underground.

Even if it's a polo shirt and chinos, they should be the best possible quality and fit perfectly.

I prefer simpler shirts, like a solid oxford or pinstripe, and with a solid cashmere crewneck or V-neck.

Guys are leery about putting on something they don't think is them. They have a fixed idea of themselves.

The hardest thing in the world to do is to take something everyone already knows and make it a little better.

When you buy a new suit, take the time to get it tailored, and you'll thank yourself every time you put it on.

You don't want to have a boring runway presentation, but you don't want to show stuff nobody is going to wear.

I love doing these little collaborations. We collaborate with Stubbs & Wooton on the shoes for Michael Bastian.

Men and women shop very differently, and where women are open to edgy, conceptual looks, very, very few men are.

I've always envied Thomas Jefferson's bed at Monticello. It's in a tiny alcove, bound by walls at the head and foot.

The minute a male model looks like he's doing a runway walk, it falls apart. It should look like they're just walking.

Menswear remains steady. It's a difference of a pleat versus flat-front pant or two buttons versus three in the jacket.

Women are more open to trying on a new personality every season; they can go from goth to bombshell to librarian, whatever.

I feel like design school might ruin people, particularly if you're a menswear designer, as there's not much focus on business.

I seem to go through phases with collecting stuff: vintage Japanese men's magazines, coconut monkey carvings, '70s belt buckles.

I like the idea that we settle into what looks best on us. Then it becomes a game of finding the perfect version of those things.

Gray has this crisp, neat-as-a-pin thing going for it, whereas black seems lazy and, at the same time, like it's trying too hard.

The guys who like chinos and cords never went away. They've always been there. They're remarkably loyal, just not remarkably vocal.

Good clothes are good clothes, and they don't need whales and tricks and too many jokes. Sometimes you just need something to wear.

I don't know if I would use that word, 'trailblazer.' That implies that this huge crowd followed me, and that certainly is not the case!

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