Yes!!! I booked a commercial!!!

For years I've kept a list of dream projects.

The whole industry evolves around a great song

The whole industry evolves around a great song.

The bigger you are, the harder they come down on you

The bigger you are, the harder they come down on you.

It's an important thing to remember where you came from.

We used to call it recurrent airplay when someone had a hit

Whoever best serves the song is going to be served by the song

Whoever best serves the song is going to be served by the song.

A lot of the greatest compositions were made famous by Sinatra.

One song will launch you, but you don't want to be a one-song artist

Dr. King is so inspiring, so impressive, so moving as a human being.

One song will launch you, but you don't want to be a one-song artist.

Said I loved you but I lied, cause this is more than love I feel inside.

A lot of my success comes from black music. It's something I'm very proud of.

I love songwriting. It's second to my love for singing in how I express myself.

I'm proud of my mentors. Ray Charles is the strongest influence on me as a singer

On singing in the swimming pool: "If I can move the water, I can move the people.

I'm proud of my mentors. Ray Charles is the strongest influence on me as a singer.

When I was invited to sing with Pavarotti, I had about two weeks to learn Italian.

You can't make everybody love what you do, but you can know how great you feel doing it.

The Top 40 is geared toward 20 and under, not 20 and up. That's the audience I'm geared to

The Top 40 is geared toward 20 and under, not 20 and up. That's the audience I'm geared to.

You're presuming too much by using the word legacy - presuming that someone is going to care.

When I started studying for the arias it was like going into training for a heavyweight title fight

Considering the amount of information we're bombarded by, it's amazing if a song can transcend time.

When I started studying for the arias it was like going into training for a heavyweight title fight.

To sing along with Stevie Wonder, you had to make your voice do things it was not accustomed to doing

To sing along with Stevie Wonder, you had to make your voice do things it was not accustomed to doing.

With the internet, things are so much more immediate. People taste-test things to see if they want to buy the CD

With the internet, things are so much more immediate. People taste-test things to see if they want to buy the CD.

It's understanding the intention of a composer that allows a producer and an arranger to make those moments speak

No matter how great we get with digital formats of instrumentation, nothing really quite duplicates the real thing

It's understanding the intention of a composer that allows a producer and an arranger to make those moments speak.

No matter how great we get with digital formats of instrumentation, nothing really quite duplicates the real thing.

As you get older, your experiences become more precious. Nothing material is important to me. It's people who are precious.

Tonight I feel like a prisoner on fire, waiting desperately... denied, sentenced forever more. Only your love can set me free.

A 'passing' test doesn't mean 'no problem.' It means no problem *observed*. This time. With these inputs. So far. On my machine.

Black music has increased my enjoyment of what I do. It has increased my range, my ability to reach into myself and accept myself.

Sinatra, here's a guy who plays a tough guy in all his movies, but was allowed to be vulnerable when he stepped up to the microphone.

I'm pretty irreverent. There is a lot of need to find humour in life. Although I'd never be as disrespectful to laugh at someone's expense.

I kept looking to do songs that were written years ago and would live or outlive all of us, and the one thing they had in common was Sinatra.

Its a combination of melody and lyrics, not one without the other. Its a confluence of these different elements that makes something powerful.

It's a combination of melody and lyrics, not one without the other. It's a confluence of these different elements that makes something powerful.

I have to be happy in the here and now because every time you start focusing on your legacy you're really setting yourself up for disappointment.

I have friends who've tried to break into the UK, who went back with their tails between their legs. Fortunately I've had the opposite experience.

There are certain people who have become better artists, but they're brilliant at marketing. I think someone who's been phenomenal like that is Madonna.

Someone told me there was a publisher that could find a good home for my songs, but I didn't want to give up my pursuit of a career in the business as an artist

The more complicated the movie, the more complex the budget, the more lonely it gets. There's a point where ... who do you go to, other than prayer and friends?

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