Nature abhors a garden.

Eating is a political act.

Do all your eating at a table.

Lawns are a form of television

Eat a wide variety of species.

Shake the hand that feeds you.

You are what what you eat eats.

Stop eating before you're full.

The banquet is in the first bite.

Eat mostly plants, especially leaves.

So that's us: processed corn, walking.

The real food is not being advertised.

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

When chopping onions, just chop onions.

Don't eat anything incapable of rotting.

Better to pay the grocer than the doctor.

A lawn is nature under totalitarian rule.

High-quality food is better for your health.

As soon as you plow, you're releasing carbon.

Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot.

Avoid foods you see advertised on television.

I don't think of myself as a spiritual person.

Eating's not a bad way to get to know a place.

Corn is a greedy crop, as farmers will tell you.

We are not only what we eat, but how we eat, too.

Don't get your fuel from the same place your car does

If you can't pronounce it, you shouldn't be eating it.

Corporations cook very differently from how people do.

...forgetting is vastly underrated as a mental operation.

At home I serve the kind of food I know the story behind.

If you're cooking food, you don't have to count calories.

Rule No.37 The whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead.

It's not food if it arrived through the window of your car.

Spend as much time enjoying the meal as it took to prepare it

Don't eat any foods you've ever seen advertised on television.

Don't eat breakfast cereals that change the color of your milk.

If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not hungry.

Time is the missing ingredient in our recipes-and in our lives.

Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.

Eat only until you're 4/5 full. An ancient Japanese injunction.

Shop the peripheries of the supermarket; stay out of the middle.

Unlike any other form of thought, daydreaming is its own reward.

The environment is not just around you, it's passing through you.

This is part of human nature, the desire to change consciousness.

If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't.

You have to draw lines between being a journalist and an activist.

People in Slow Food understand that food is an environmental issue.

Not that I'm against meat eating. But I think we're eating too much.

Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.

How my son discovered vegetables was from growing them in the garden.

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