I've loved all forms of animation.

I'm always excited to do the fight scenes.

I'm as proud to be Chinese as I am American.

You have to start thinking a little differently as an actor.

I was a total sci-fi geek. Star Wars was my ultimate favorite.

What I want is the same opportunities as anyone to get a part.

I was a total sci-fi geek. 'Star Wars' was my ultimate favorite.

I'm always like, "Maybe I can drive the car. I can still fly the plane!"

I'm sort of a gypsy at heart and don't like to stay in one place too long.

The 'ER' role was not Asian-specific, and my agent knew that I loved the show.

'Star Wars' is on my bucket list. Even if it's just a small walk on, I don't care.

I'm like Madonna: I'm Ming-Na. Just my first and middle name. That's it. Pure and simple.

When I grew up in Pittsburgh in my parents' restaurant, I was almost like a country bumpkin.

I love that synergy between being entertainers and having people respond. There's no greater reward.

I love that synergy between being entertainers and having people respond. There’s no greater reward.

Both my parents are chefs I grew up in a restaurant and was always surrounded by cooks. I love food.

Both my parents are chefs... I grew up in a restaurant and was always surrounded by cooks. I love food.

I've always dreamed that George Lucas would call me one day and ask me to be in one of the 'Star Wars' films.

I'm trying to show I'm a trained actress - I can transform myself into different characters. I'm not just an ingenue.

People who have had family members killed are able to forgive the murderer because that's the only way they can move on.

I hope Hong Kong and Asia wants to hire American Asian actresses as much as Hollywood has been hiring Chinese actors from Asia.

I love doing TV. It's so great for my world as a mom, as someone who likes to have a steady job and go to work feeling secure because I'm with a family.

'Mulan' holds a very special place in my heart. It's been 16 years since the film, but hordes of fans still come up and tell me how much she means to them.

Mulan is so important in Chinese folklore - a fearless girl who cared about her family and country so much that she was willing to join the fight and sacrifice herself.

Being a sci-fi geek, it was just lovely to be on a show where I pretend I'm in outer space. That's always been my dream: to pretend to be out in space or actually be out in space.

I'm not one of those actresses that's going to feel like I never achieved my dreams and goals and just get disgruntled and hate everything about the business. I've had so much fun.

There's just so much love that goes into home cooking, and I think it will really help the American family overall. I'm hoping to maybe get a cookbook out one day because I've got some great family recipes.

Mom takes all the credit for my success. Now Mom says, 'I read your face when you were a baby, and it said you were going to be a star. That's why I named you Ming - because it's all about the sun and the stars and enlightenment.'

I appreciate both... for me, I think 'Star Wars' is more science fantasy and is based on a lot of great legendary heroes and morality plays and stuff. And 'Star Trek' is just pure fun. Pure science fun. And I've always appreciated both.

I was hesitant to do 'Mulan II.' For me, I felt like the story that needed to be told, this legendary character of Mulan, was already encompassed in the first movie, and I was worried they would try to create this crazy cartoon character out of this legendary character of China.

Growing up as an Asian American in this society, there were a lot of times where you feel isolated or out of place as an Asian. And growing up in White America, that's absolutely my experience. And I think that's why I got into acting because I wanted to be anybody else but Asian.

That's what was so amazing about 'Mulan.' Here is this story with all Chinese characters, and yet so many people related to her character and loved the story. So I really think as long as you have a good story that relates to a lot of people, it doesn't matter what ethnicity it is.

I think on 'ER,' my other long-running show, I had some ideas about what's going on. 'Stargate Universe,' they were kind of secretive too a little bit about what they wanted to do, but I kind of liked working this way. I like the surprises, and I like knowing just enough to work on the character.

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