Win or lose, just stay calm.

First I'm a sportsman and then a politician.

I think I owe a lot to the UFC and UFC fans.

People don't get it. Martial arts is my life.

When I came to UFC, I was treated like a king.

Conditioning is the most important thing in MMA.

The UFC was the black spot in my career and my life.

I underestimated the difference of fighting in a cage.

Obviously, I can't break my mental block in the Octagon.

Talking about a fight with Randy Couture is a jinx for me.

I want to beat all the opponents who have beaten me before.

Even the biggest heroes turn into cowards when they get tired.

I train in the cage all the time. I have my own cage in my gym.

In 1993, I joined the Croatian army. I was a radio telegraphist.

I really believe that I'm a better fighter than Gabriel Gonzaga.

I don't know if I will take the UFC title, but I will die trying.

The cage is bigger than the ring, and it's a little bit different.

I've heard that I could be facing Randy Couture. That would a great.

People consider me a striker, but I have trained jiu-jitsu for 10 years.

I feel that Japan is like my second home; this is where I want to fight.

I just hope that God will give me the strength that I can prove my worth.

I might be the first fighter who has ever been suspended after retirement.

Frank Mir is gonna be my toughest fight in my UFC career. It won't be easy.

I wish you could see a new Cro Cop, 15 years younger. I wish it was possible.

The best feeling in the world is a hard workout, a shower, and a protein shake.

I never liked to say any trash talk about anyone, and I never go low on that level.

I have to be honest: when you have 70 fights under your belt, your priorities change.

I was free on the market, and I wanted to go to the UFC, the only global organization.

Everything was good when I was in Japan, and then, unfortunately, the injuries started.

I'd most prefer to be a free agent and fight up to six times a year, but that is unlikely.

Gabriel Gonzaga is a very solid fighter, and I've seen some of his fights. He's a tough guy.

The UFC has been so good to me over the years, and it is hard to leave this company and this sport.

When my shoulder problems started, basic methods like massages and icing the shoulder did not help.

The only 'special supplements' I'm using is two hard and bloody trainings per day, five days a week.

Martial arts gave me everything in life. It is not about a paycheck; it is about how I live my life.

Of course I will submit if I have a chance, but I always prefer to finish a fight in a stand-up position.

Of course I could keep fighting, but every man comes to the point when he asks himself, 'Do I need it anymore?'

I've made some investments during my career that I'm happy with, so my life, talking financially, is definitely OK.

It's not up to me. I will fight whoever the UFC puts in front of me. If it was up to me, I want to fight Dana White.

I'm not old. I'm 37, but I can do things that fighters 10 years younger cannot. I will prove that, or I will die trying.

I won a lot of money in UFC. I earned that money. The money wasn't given to me as a present. I earned every dollar of it.

Some of my fights in PRIDE, I felt tired. I would train on the punching bag and feel great but then get tired in my fights.

Low kicks, you need to throw at least 20 to finish the guy, and he has 20 chances to block you, and you can break your leg.

I have twenty years of training like a spartan behind me. It has caught up with me. My body is broken down. I've been worn out.

I really think me and my family live humbly. I've secured my life, and I won't have to open the newspaper and be looking for work.

K-1 is the sport where I started. This is my first love, and I find K-1 more attractive and more suitable for our Croatian fans than MMA.

I was a professional and did my best to prepare for every fight, but after PRIDE Grand Prix, to be honest, I didn't have motivation to go on.

Nobody should underestimate me. When you have a self-made fighter like I am with the Pride belt I earned, it's not good to underestimate him.

Even though I didn't do as well in the UFC as the rest of my career, I feel like I did everything that I could to have an overall successful career.

I think I should be respectful of fighters. This sport is brutal enough itself. I don't think you should say stupid statements or should act like savages.

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