We can call it Isratine.

Good morning, people of the U.N.

Those who do not love me do not deserve to live.

Africa is closer to me in every way than Iraq or Syria.

The times of Arab nationalism and unity are gone forever.

If Abu Nidal is a terrorist, then so is George Washington.

Nations whose nationalism is destroyed are subject to ruin.

Britain no longer exists. It is a trace of what it used to be.

There is no state with a democracy except Libya on the whole planet.

A woman has the right to run for election whether she's male or female!

The Lybian army is capable of destroying America and breaking its nose.

I am a Bedouin warrior who brought glory to Libya and will die a martyr.

I am keen and anxious for the safety of both the Jews and the Palestinians.

The integrity of China was more important than [the people] in Tiananmen Square.

To force a human being to learn according to a set curriculum is a dictatorial act.

All right, then nobody can complain if we ask pregnant women to make parachute jumps.

We are telling the American people to have patience, courage, resolve and determination.

Boxing and wrestling are evidence that mankind has not rid itself of all savage behavior.

Nothing would please me more, but who else would pump the oil that we need? God damn America.

The world doesn't understand the system here. The authority of the people. You don't understand it.

I have nothing to say to him [Ronald Reagan], because he is mad. He is foolish. He is an Israeli dog.

We put our fingers in the eyes of those who doubt that Libya is ruled by anyone other than its people.

Libya has had to put up with too much from the Arabs for whom it has poured forth both blood and money.

I do not support peace in the Middle East. And I do not support Arafat. He is a stupid, incompetent fool!

Man's freedom is lacking if somebody else controls what he needs, for need may result in man's enslavement of man.

All of the great prophets of modern times have come from the desert and were uneducated: Mohammed, Jesus and myself.

The man who carried out the attack is still in power and still insane, so we shall expect another attack any minute.

I'm not a president. They love me. All my people are with me; they love me all. They will die to protect me, my people.

There is an intention to colonise Libya. And this makes the Libyan people want to fight the new colonisation by the West.

We can export terrorism. We can assassinate and set fires inside the territory of the United States as it did to all of us.

I cannot recognise either the Palestinian state or the Israeli state. The Palestinians are idiots and the Israelis are idiots.

The times of Arab nationalism and unity are gone forever. These ideas which mobilized the masses are only a worthless currency.

For 40 years, I have not been the ruler - the authority has been with the people. They take nothing from me or add anything to me.

My presence is to instigate and incite the people for any change they want, and for not having a change that they don't wish to do.

Their ages are 17. They give them pills at night, they put hallucinatory pills in their drinks, their milk, their coffee, their Nescafe.

Popular congresses are the only means to achieve popular democracy. Any system of government other than popular congresses is undemocratic.

We [Libyans] support the Palestinian resistance, and all the world supports this. We support their just cause, but we are against terrorism.

We will fight in every valley, in every street, in every oasis, and every town. We won't surrender again; we are not women; we will keep fighting.

Once a ruler becomes religious, it becomes impossible for you to debate with him. Once someone rules in the name of religion, your lives become hell.

Even if there comes a time when you do not hear my voice, do not give up. Do not despair. Do not stop fighting for your freedom until you have victory!

The West sees liberation movements as terrorist movements, and that is why I am accused of supporting terrorism: because I support liberation movements.

We believe America is practicing all kinds of terrorism against Libya. Even the accusation that we are involved in terrorism is in itself an act of terrorism.

We are used to facing the United States as a fortress from the outside. Now we are finding a breach to penetrate the country (the U.S.) and confront it from within.

Lincoln was a man who created himself from nothing without any help from outside or other people. I followed his struggles. I see certain similarities between him and me.

The black people's struggle has vanquished racism. It was God who created colour. Today Obama, a son of Kenya, a son of Africa, has made it in the United States of America.

We have been terrorised by what happened in America and we express our condolences to the American people who suffered from this unexpected catastrophe and a new world war.

In the Middle East, the opposition is quite different than the opposition in advanced countries. In our countries, the opposition takes the form of explosions, assassinations, killings.

I am an international leader, the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam of Muslims, and my international status does not allow me to descend to a lower level.

[The] type of education now prevailing all over the world is directed against human freedom. State-controlled education ... deprives people of their free choice, creativity and brilliance.

America is so afraid of terror and terrorism to the point that they don't allow people to move around freely and see what they wish to see. I really wish to see the whole of America, if it is possible.

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