I am psychic.

I am such an indoor person.

I played clarinet for many years.

I like England, but L.A.'s warmer.

I like a guy who does a nine-to-five job.

I don't know. I'm really really really nervous.

Lip balm can double up for taming the brows, too.

It's amazing to me that songwriting is an actual job.

I have an animal phobia, especially ones I don't know.

My big weakness is potatoes. I love them mashed or baked.

I hate sweating, running and getting that red-faced look.

I have nothing against getting married. It's a great thing.

I have always had incredibly skinny legs. It's in my family.

Sexism definitely exists - you see that in all walks of life.

Because of all the touring we do, our diets are all over the place.

If something's not mean't for you, you won't get it, simple as that.

I like to swim. Love a swim, any time I can do that is a good thing.

Ach, I've never been one for big declarations or releasing statements.

Having your heart broken is like going through grief, it's really hard.

My older sister has four kids and I honestly don't know how she does it.

The traditional model for selling an album isn't the only way of doing things.

Money is far more important to me than love because ultimately it lasts longer.

I'm just not a huge romantic type and getting married is a hugely romantic gesture.

There was real camaraderie in Girls Aloud, the feeling of one for all, and all for one.

If you don't like somebody, just be genuine about it. You don't have to be anything else.

I tend to go with the flow and that flow can end up in great places or not so great places.

I only want to do live shows. What happens with TV shows is you can't always do things live.

I've only been blessed with one talent, unfortunately, and that's being able to sing a wee bit.

I love the Girls Aloud songs and get messages from fans asking to hear them performed live again.

Sweetest High' is for the clubs, that's what it was for. It wasn't supposed to be anything serious.

I am one of three sisters and went to an all-girls grammar school so I'm used to being around girls.

Before I was in Girls Aloud, I wanted to be a nanny. But then Girls Aloud started and that ruined that dream!

Slowly but surely, people don't see 'Popstars: The Rivals,' they see Girls Aloud. We're a band in our own right.

I would rather go back to when I started doing music in Ireland and it was all live. I mean you just don't mime.

Girls Aloud is not just us five, there's like us five plus a ridiculous team of 50 who travel with us, it's amazing.

I have nieces and nephews who I've nurtured, but when it's your own it's hard to put into words how difficult it is.

I don't want to be in the newspapers or to feel like I have to manipulate things to make my life seem a way it's not.

I'm not a particularly healthy eater. But I am 100 per cent fit and healthy and I am the right weight for my body type.

Working with Tesco has been such an interesting avenue to go down that I'm keen to find other avenues to release music.

The entertainment thing - you're there to entertain, it's not about you - I get that, but for a while I lost my opinion.

I have a big family full of massive personalities so i just sit there most of the time great fun to listen to their stories.

Some days I am fine but us mums are not robots, we are not perfect, we have to give ourselves a break and a pat on the back.

I get superstitious. I always have to have some form of potato, either chips or mashed potato or roast potatoes on a show day.

When I get back to Derry I always enjoy a good fry-up that my mum makes. That's my big weakness. I also eat too much chocolate.

When I'm out and people ask me what I do for a living, the worst thing you can say is, 'I'm a singer.' It opens up a can of worms.

I used to be brave. In the past, I've opened a restaurant, had a record label, had my daughter and it was go, go, go with all of these.

My favourite smell is bleach. If I walk into the house and there's things being bleached, it just makes me feel at home, euphoric almost.

Of course I have been watching 'Derry Girls!' Series, link and record! Everything shuts down when it is on the TV. I'm like 'Nobody speak.'

I was losing sight of myself and started to get anxiety and stress. You work at such a pace and you don't have time to sit with yourself and think.

I mean, I didn't feel, as part of Girls Aloud, that my opinion wasn't heard, or they went and did certain things and I had no say, or we had no say.

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