'Say Hello' was inspired by optimism.

A lot of times, women are pigeonholed.

I'll work my butt off to do something well.

Music changes kids, and kids change the world.

If you're in a rock band, you're never too tame.

I play a lot of classical music around the house.

'Heartless' is something Ann and I wrote together.

Harmony singing is my favorite thing to do in music!

We're not just 'ladies in rock.' We're weird people!

We came from an era when women normally did not rock.

I don't think anyone does Rush songs except for Rush.

I really love singing. I love singing harmony, mostly.

Being taken seriously was always the biggest challenge.

My favorite acoustic is the Nancy Wilson Signature Martin.

My highest score karaoke song is 'Ben,' by Michael Jackson.

I saw Led Zeppelin live for the first time when I was thirteen.

Most of our great influences were male rockers, like Led Zeppelin.

Ever since I could remember, women's issues have been pretty urgent.

I always have dogs with me, even on the road. We call them port-o-pups.

There's nothing quite as raw and honest as one person and one instrument.

The high road and positivity is never the easy way but always the best way.

We didn't want to be the girlfriends of the Beatles. We wanted to be the Beatles.

Being mothers, we try to stay home as much as possible and attend to the children.

When you're 12, you have no gauge for what's hip or not hip - or even who you are.

'Barracuda' is very fun to play because it's like a galloping steed of a rock song.

I love singing, and whenever I can sing some more vocal leads, I always covet the chance.

It's the ultimate compliment to be imitated or at least be somebody's influence, for sure.

Prince, I think, trained amazing musicians to bring more to any musical table they come to.

I feel like I've had a lot of painful situations that I intentionally delete from my memory.

We really had boundless optimism about the place of music in the culture - and in the world.

The Seattle explosion was what saved rock from becoming too pompous! A great moment in music!

We don't really intentionally try to sound like ourselves. I think that would be overthinking.

The Lovemongers came together because we felt kind of overinflated by the end of the Eighties.

In the case of Roadcase Royale, everyone in the band has a lot to offer as a writer and producer.

I'm a chameleon when it comes to guitar playing and like to stretch out into different territories.

We struck out on our own in suburbia with parents who actually helped us get where we needed to go.

As a songwriter, simplicity - what not to do, what not to play - can be the hardest thing to achieve.

Our very first group was called The Prunes.' We did a lot of campgrounds, living rooms, and backyards.

In many ways, we might compare to The Pretenders more than others, but still, we created our own category.

Unfortunately, the music programs are being stripped out of the schools these days. We have to change that.

Sleazy people are always in this business. They run the business, pretty much. There are a lot of barracudas.

I really like the Budda head with a big Orange cabinet with Celestion 30 speakers and my '63 Fender Telecaster.

Grace Slick was a total trip to work with. Lots of jokes and opinions. A strident individual and super talented!

I think it's important to be kind of brutally honest without making anyone else feel bad in any way, if possible.

One of the signature things about Heart was the acoustic guitar in a rock format, which you didn't hear that often.

We're notorious for living up to our namesake. We're all about love. That's how we roll, even when it's to a fault.

I have done a few solo projects that I really enjoyed and would love to have time to do more. Key word here is time!

I like playing. Guitar... on a loud rock stage... with colored lights. Everything sounds better with colored lights!

We've been around for awhile, had a lot of success. Got a chance to sit around and go, 'Oh, yeah, we're pretty good.'

Generally, I think of myself as a guitar player, but when I do find the right song to sing lead on, I try to do my best.

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