Voters memories will fade some.

Voters' memories will fade some.

I think punditry serves no purpose.

You get steely nerves playing poker.

I've just always been a bit of a dork.

Accountability doesn't mean apologizing.

I'm not trying to do anything too tricky.

A lot of things can't be modeled very well.

A lot of the time nothing happens in a day.

Success makes you less intimidated by things.

I don't think you should limit what you read.

We speak for them. We imbue them with meaning.

Precise forecasts masquerade as accurate ones.

I have the same friends and the same bad habits.

We're living in a world where Google beats Gallup.

People have different ways of interpreting history.

You don't want to treat any one person as oracular.

Race is still the No. 1 determinant in every election.

People still don't appreciate how ephemeral success is.

There's always the risk that there are unknown unknowns.

Data scientist is just a sexed up word for statistician.

A lot of news is just entertainment masquerading as news.

I think a lot of journal articles should really be blogs.

Midterm elections can be dreadfully boring, unfortunately.

Basically, books were a luxury item before the printing press.

To my friends, I’m kind of sexually gay but ethnically straight.

We must become more comfortable with probability and uncertainty.

If I had a spreadsheet on my computer, it looked like I was busy.

I guess I don't like the people in politics very much, to be blunt.

When a possibility is unfamiliar to us, we do not even think about it.

The signal is the truth. The noise is what distracts us from the truth.

You don't want to influence the same system you are trying to forecast.

Caesar recognized the omens, but he didn't believe they applied to him.

In politics people build whole reputations off of getting one thing right.

Economy is not baseball, where the game is always played by the same rules.

People gravitate toward information that implies a happier outlook for them.

Every four years in the presidential election, some new precedent is broken.

The quest for certainty in forecasting outcomes can be the enemy of progress.

It's a little strange to become a kind of symbol of a whole type of analysis.

I think there's space in the market for a half-dozen kind of polling analysts.

In baseball you have terrific data and you can be a lot more creative with it.

When human judgment and big data intersect there are some funny things that happen

I actually buy the paper version of The New York Times maybe once or twice a week.

When human judgment and big data intersect there are some funny things that happen.

Well, you know, you're not going to have 86 percent of Congress voted out of office.

When you try to predict future E.R.A.'s with past E.R.A.'s, you're making a mistake.

If you aren't taking a representative sample, you won't get a representative snapshot.

People attach too much importance to intangibles like heart, desire and clutch hitting.

We are living our lives more online and you need to have different ways to capture that.

If there's a major foreign policy event, the President gets on TV, the Congress doesn't.

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