Knowledge is the key.

Management is prediction.

Above all else show the data.

We must understand variation.

Knowledge needs to be a verb.

Never give nor take an excuse.

To copy is to invite disaster.

We must satisfy our customers.

It's management's job to know.

Simple design, intense content.

Voters memories will fade some.

A rule should suit the purpose.

Voters' memories will fade some.

Quality starts in the boardroom.

Quality is pride of workmanship.

Without theory we can only copy.

Manage the cause, not the result.

A leader is a coach, not a judge.

When we cooperate, everybody wins.

Judging people does not help them.

We are here to make another world.

It only takes a little innovation.

An open mind but not an empty head.

I think punditry serves no purpose.

Natural selection is not evolution.

People are entitled to joy in work.

I am forever learning and changing.

People don't like to make mistakes.

Design cannot rescue failed content.

Mathematics is the language of size.

You get steely nerves playing poker.

A goal without a method is nonsense.

Nobody goes to work to do a bad job.

Heaven is neither a place nor a time.

I can stand out the war with any man.

There is no substitute for knowledge.

Quality is everyone's responsibility.

A leader's job is to help his people.

Meeting specifications is not enough.

There is no knowledge without theory.

I've just always been a bit of a dork.

We want best efforts guided by theory.

In God we trust; all others bring data.

There must be consistency in direction.

Hold everybody accountable? Ridiculous!

Accountability doesn't mean apologizing.

People need to know what their jobs are.

Lack of knowledge - that is the problem.

I'm not trying to do anything too tricky.

You can not define being exactly on time.

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