I like to say there's certain things you can't take back: One of them ...

I like to say there's certain things you can't take back: One of them is 'I love you,' and one of them is bullets.

I'm not a big prop actor.

I don't spend a lot of time online.

It's hard to shake a stick at success.

It's a thrill to be a fan amongst fans.

I don't expect anybody to know who I am.

I'm a plethora of stolen jokes and kitschy references.

The trick is, when you grow up, find work that feels like play.

The Incredibles was the best movie ever made. Ever. Made. BSTL.

There's only one spot in history for the first ever of anything.

I would cancel dialysis to be in the [hopefully upcoming Firefly] movie.

It costs nothing to say something kind. Even less to shut up altogether.

The nature of the beast is, art needs finance. That's how this industry works.

I think about my own daily choices every day in terms of how to find happiness.

I'm the biggest geek of all. Adventure, fantasy, comic books - I can't get enough.

I live in Los Angeles and I like to do a lot of hiking. I live a very relaxed life.

Somebody told me long ago that in acting, it's okay to steal, just steal from the best.

I am one of the lucky few who is successful in their career, and I'm really enjoying myself.

Do something today you've been afraid to do. A decision based on fear is the wrong decision.

I still buy actual books. The smell, having it in your hands - there's really no substitute.

When people embrace character, it informs their living, breathing moments in a scene so well.

I've got a fantastic life. I enjoy what I do for a living. I see the blessings; I'm not blind.

There's comedy even in tragedy. There's comedy in life. And in 'Castle', we go for that comedy.

I love 'Strange Brew'. I quote that movie all the time, and no one knows what I'm talking about.

Castle is a guy living in a fantasy world. He's in his imagination, writing these stories of murder.

'Castle' is a guy living in a fantasy world. He's in his imagination, writing these stories of murder.

When you slick back your hair, you get a really good idea of just how melon-like your head actually is.

I'm not a famous celebrity of any kind. I'm a guy from Edmonton who's got a great job and I'm loving it.

My job changes very little because I've found that the more you try to be funny, the less funny you become.

My brain is like a hard drive. Once you start adding new information, you start cutting off old information.

The secret to comedy is not playing the comedy, but actually playing the situation, playing the drama of it.

I want to be a working actor; I want to do jobs that excite me and challenge me, and I want to something fun.

Thank God there is a such thing as hiatus. We got the first 'Dr. Horrible' done in six days, we banged it out.

Oh, boy. I'm still in touch with about 90 percent of my exes. They would describe me as being unlucky in love.

I want my job to include a little adventure, a little more of a heightened reality than what I'm actually living.

Castle isn't really affected emotionally by murder. He's thrilled about, 'Oh, my God, I wonder how this happened?'

My worst day is still a really good day. I complain, but I catch myself and count my blessings. I am truly blessed.

'Castle' isn't really affected emotionally by murder. He's thrilled about, 'Oh, my God, I wonder how this happened?'

What turned me on to comedy was - well, first of all, I like being able to laugh, I like people who can make me laugh.

I like doing things where I can get dirty, work with my hands, and use power tools. Last weekend, I did some grouting.

I enjoy the art, and I enjoy drawing. I think my printing to this day looks like the printing right out of a comic book.

In all my characters, I try to find an iota of myself, and in Castle, I found a lot. He gets away with a lot, so that's fun.

I think I've been really good at surrounding myself with really talented people. I've picked the right coattails to ride on.

When I was a waiter I was fired twice from the same restaurant. I guess I was that good of an actor but that bad of a waiter.

When I watch TV I can tell when someone is punching the joke and telling me when to laugh (I’ll decide when to laugh, thank you very much).

People keep inviting me back. It's nice to work with the same people when you've had a good time previously, and this is one of those cases.

I don't have 4 or 5 projects in front of me and an offer on every one saying 'what one would you like to do?' Things come along one at a time.

Somebody once said that you can never act and be another person; you're only acting facets of yourself. I think there's a lot of truth in that.

'Desperate Housewives' is an ensemble cast, where I played a tertiary character. I made a lot of great friends, but that show didn't keep me very busy.

I think maybe, if I could be a Canadian super hero, I'd have some kind of freezing power and some sort of maple syrup weapon. Could be a little sticky.

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