Health comes first before any bonus on offer.

I'm good enough to win multiple world titles.

The more muscle I'm losing, the better I'm cueing.

The crowd in big venues can really make or crush players.

John Higgins is an absolute legend. He has such a good reputation.

There are lot of tournaments and it's hard when you have a young family.

Now I've won everything in the game I'm just trying to repeat the success.

When I was 16 I had a table at home in Melbourne and I hardly ever practised.

It is impossible to play the best of nines and expect the matches to finish on time.

I've been world champion and number one at the same time, which is a brilliant feeling.

Snooker isn't a sport where you can put on bulk muscle. It's about the cueing and the stamina.

I'm always looking to improve as a player and it's very pleasing when you see those improvements.

I fell off the tour when I was younger and had to go back home and practise harder and get better.

We have to show zero tolerance on match and frame-fixing. There is no other option than a life ban.

The Worlds was great, Masters was great, but that was sort of mission accomplished with the Triple Crown.

There's no specific reason for it, sometimes results just go against you and your opponents play too well.

We don't have that many tournaments so sponsorship from logos is another way of helping boost your income.

I used to feel very tired during tournaments. I was drinking four or five coffees per day and felt I needed more.

Not many players have tables at home, they like going to a club and feeling like they're going to a place of work.

I have all the gym kit set up in my house but I am too lazy to get up really early in the morning to do it myself.

I've got quite an addictive personality where if I start doing something I try to do it to the best of my ability.

I used to be very lazy in my teens. I didn't practise enough but I was OK when I started really getting into snooker.

The years I had the 100 centuries, I should probably have had around 120 because I got addicted like hell to 'Fifa 14.'

It's good to be No1 but you'd like to do it the right way, not because of something that might have happened off the table.

I used to do too much weight training years ago. You probably wouldn't see it on me but I probably had a bit too much muscle.

Maybe one day there will be a snooker pin-up calendar if we all get in shape. I would be up for that, get some spray tan going.

I always knew I could win tournaments in the U.K. but there was a question mark over whether I could deal with playing in China.

You see stuff that is cheating, no question, and it needs to be sorted out. The biggest thing is moving on the shot by an opponent.

When you watch Barcelona play you want to see Lionel Messi score two goals. If he hasn't after 80 minutes you can perhaps get restless.

Lifting a major trophy in front of an empty stadium would be a very strange feeling. But then you'd rather do that than not play at all.

I have developed a nasty habit of losing to the guy who wins the tournament, and that alone makes you think what you could have achieved.

If you are a single guy and work in a normal job you can get around it. But you can't win professional snooker matches when you are tired.

There's no way in the world any of the guys who have beaten me would have thought I could do what I've done. I just kept persisting with it.

I've tried to play within myself but I need adrenaline and need to be pumped up to play well otherwise you will see snoring snooker like that.

As long as your eyes aren't going, or you've got some back or neck problems, then you can play this game as long as you're motivated to practise.

Yeah, I came over to Cambridge with 500 quid in my pocket and I had to borrow a waistcoat off another Australian player. I couldn't afford to buy one.

A long break can cause long-term damage to a player's technique. It can be dangerous for a snooker player to go 2-3 months without even touching a cue.

You look at the guys who are winning tournaments , Ronnie, Ding, Mark Selby, Marco Fu - none of them are overweight, they are the slimmer guys on tour.

Snooker has been really, really tough for me from a personal point of view because to be at the top and to stay at the top you've got to put the hours in.

I have to motivate myself every season now to win things I've already won just to build my own legacy and try to end my career as high up as I possibly can.

Being world No 1 would be fantastic but you'd like to do it by finishing the year as No 1 without anything happening off the table to someone else's ranking.

It is greed or financial difficulty that makes people fix matches, not gaining an edge over rivals, so it is different from say Lance Armstrong or Ben Johnson.

The players who don't look after themselves physically and mentally and enjoy the nights out a bit too much will suffer, the sport is a lot more professional now.

There are a lot of players who fiddle around with their towel in your shot or they get up out of their chair to see if a ball's on when you're about to play your shot.

There needs to be a flat rule where if someone's playing a shot you sit in the chair, and probably more referees need to be a bit sterner with how they apply that rule.

I wouldn't say I would have won a lot more tournaments if it wasn't for video games but I think I would have given myself more opportunities to go further in other events.

I almost wrote my career off. I wasn't quite good enough and I thought that ship had sailed. But I carried on, won the World Under-21 Championship in 2003 and got the tour card.

I have always tried to play the right way, and I honestly believe for the most part the etiquette in snooker is very good. So when there are breaches, and there are, it stands out.

I'm a pretty laid-back person but when I first played on TV against Jimmy White at the Masters it was daunting. The more times you play you get used to it and you eventually come to love it.

It's very frustrating when you don't always get the right kind of rub - you watch tennis and know if you play better than the other guy, you win. But that's the game we play. It can create mini-upsets.

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