You should always stand up for yourself.

Who wants to be ordinary? Be extraordinary.

I never looked in the mirror and felt beautiful.

Never allow a stigma or the popular thing to define you.

I've been bullied because of the way I've looked growing up.

When I was a young girl playing basketball, WNBA was a dream.

You want to give the fans all the sides to women's wrestling.

Your uniqueness is what makes you special, and that is beautiful.

Women are coming into their own and breaking down so many boundaries.

I always spread my message of body positivity and fashion for everybody.

I would love to get in the ring with Bull Nakano. I would be so excited.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and nobody should have self doubt.

If I'm called to be on the grandest stage, at 'WrestleMania,' I'll be ready.

I'd love to work with Charlotte Flair; she's the best athlete in our company.

This is how God made me, and this is what my momma gave me. I am proud of this.

Ultimately, I want to convey an image of a beautiful, strong, and confident woman.

If others think I am good with myself, they will, in turn, feel good about themselves.

I wouldn't get asked to dances because I wasn't as petite and cute as the other girls.

When I came back to go back to school on my time off from modeling, I went to Palomar.

I have no problem breaking stereotypes. And proving people wrong - it's actually quite fun.

I guess I'm not too crazy on the road. I'm really like a freak - I always have to be driving.

I have never been one to show off too much skin, and it's not just because I'm a larger woman.

I have a positive outlook, but when you're out in the public eye, you wonder how people see you.

It's great to see men enjoying seeing female wrestlers and the entertainment that we're providing.

The Performance Center in Orlando is the best place to go if you want to be a professional wrestler.

I want young girls to be inspired to love themselves and strive to follow their dreams no matter what.

I've been an athlete my whole life. I've played every sport, including soccer, baseball, softball, basketball.

NXT women have literally changed women's wrestling, and being able to be a part of the division is great for me.

My first name during my first match was 'Lena.' I was still Lena then, just because we hadn't gotten a name yet.

When you're initially a heel, it's easier to be a heel. I'd rather people hate me than try to get them to love me.

Basketball is my main sport, which I got a lot of scholarships through, but I chose modeling over basketball, though.

I just want it to be normal for every fashion label to have all sizes. Completely inclusive - that's how it should be.

I'm an athlete; my dad had made sure I played all the same sports as boys growing up, so I was always super competitive.

I have been incredibly blessed with a mother who supports me 100 percent - she sees nothing but perfection in her daughter.

Staying healthy adds to beauty. Even more importantly, it will increase your self-confidence. That's been my experience at least.

There are obviously times where I love to pig out and enjoy myself, but I always make sure to never lose my focus on being healthy.

Once I realized, when I became a plus-size model, that there were more women like me, my confidence immediately shot through the roof.

I definitely feel that if somebody is struggling with themselves and how they look, they need to really channel the positivity within.

Obviously, Ronda Rousey and Alexa Bliss, I want to see how that one goes. I'm curious to see how Alexa is going to get out of that one.

I remember arriving to my tryout and being extremely nervous, but the second I stepped in the ring, I knew this was where I was supposed to be.

I never thought I'd be able to spread the message of such body positivity, and just being positive in general, but I'm insanely grateful for it.

Growing up, we were a poor yet tightknit family. My mother worked multiple jobs and always made sure that her kids never had to want for anything.

Roman Reigns is this larger-than-life Superman character, but the true Joe, Joe Anoa'I, is a very shy, humble guy, and he's super giving and loving.

Nia Jax is Nia Jax. That's something that I have been trying to get across. I am who I am in the moment. I'm not a heel. I'm not a babyface. I'm Nia Jax.

Our bodies are always going to change, and we might not always love that, but it really has nothing to do with true beauty. True beauty comes from within.

That's what we do in the WWE: we tell stories; we're characters. We go into the ring, and my character is telling a story in the ring against another character.

When I got to the WWE, I found out there were a lot of girls who looked up to me and that I was giving them confidence. I realized I'm not doing this just for me.

On 'Raw,' I'm the big mean girl who goes and beats everybody up; on 'Total Divas,' they will see a softer, vulnerable side of me that definitely isn't seen on 'Raw.'

We are a very tight-knit family at WWE. We are very protective of our family. When an outsider comes in, you want to make sure the outsider is worthy to step into the family.

Ronda Rousey has done... she was a huge part of the women's revolution all over the world and part of the WWE, and now she's coming to WWE. It's going to be absolutely amazing.

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