Shut your damn mouth.

I am a saxophone player.

Technically, we're all half centaur.

The ultimate disguise is nothing. Nudity.

I always call myself a "student" of the guitar.

I don't put a great deal of stock in art trophies.

Actually, I'm not super-kickass at a lot of things.

I've split my life between a few different disciplines.

It's taken me a lot of years to peel away my own layers.

Don't use barbiturates before going on stage. And be honest.

Whatever it is you like to do, that's the sexiest part of you.

The world is split into two halves: the bacon, and the bacon eaters.

The quest for the next key art awards begins with tomorrow's hangover

Love one another, make something with your hands, and exalt the farmer.

The fact that I have a job that people even watch is an incredible gift.

I'm very hairy, and men in film and TV are no longer allowed to be hairy.

Figure out what you love to do, then figure out how to get paid to do it.

Just stand up for your principals and be loyal to your friends and family.

Children are so egocentric - they want to watch their lives, and not yours.

I just always had a penchant for performing for people.I'm a jackass clown.

There's a lot of common sense ... which I feel like we have lost touch with.

Once you have a PhD, every meeting you go to becomes a doctor's appointment.

Only when you get into TV and film, do people really want you to be a 'specialist'.

I'm always pleased that I managed to stay out of jail throughout my tenure in Chicago.

If your shirt isn't tucked into your pants, then your pants are tucked into your shirt.

I awaken. I consume oxygen, then bacon, eggs and black coffee, then my wife, then bacon.

It's funny, growing up there was never anybody around me with any kind of artistic bent.

Whenever I have a stubborn position on something, I take a deep breath and swallow myself.

Really, all religious teachings can be boiled down to: “Just be cool. Don’t be an asshole.

Your dreams are always going to seem much more profound to you then they are to your friend.

Being a man of the theater and a hedonist, I find the idea of building coffins very romantic.

If you don't look at yourself and evaluate it, you instead see how the world's reacting to it.

My career is inexplicable to me. So far I've just been not getting fired despite being myself.

I think that purity creates not only a higher level of artistic vision but a purer work ethic.

You know, it's hard to beat bacon at anytime of day. But I also am a big fan of corned beef hash.

Damn it all, you have been given a life on this beautiful planet! Get off your ass and do something!

Branding is quite an important thing. As an artist, you want to be able to explore facets of yourself.

I come from a family of fishermen. Fishing is very important to us. We don't hunt. We're not gun folk.

If properly dried and trimmed, New York-style pizza could be used to make a box for Chicago-style pizza.

No one will ever ask me to sing because it's beautiful. My secret is hiding my musicianship behind humor.

I've learned through experience that to trouble celebrities with my handshake doesn't do anybody any good.

I spent a lot of my youth working outside in the elements, and I kind of revel in defeating tough weather.

If I had more time, I'd watch more woodworking or home-improvement shows, but, not enough hours in the day.

I learned the word non-conformist in fourth grade and immediately announced that I would grow up to become one.

If you want to be happy in life, consider yourself a student. Every day of your life, think: how can I improve?

How lucky my life is that I have two arms, and two legs, and ten fingers with which to make things out of wood.

I really bridled when Parks And Rec became popular and woodworking publications wanted me to do stuff with them.

When we think of an actor, we think of a tanned, frosted-tipped, model-looking guy. We don't think of a plumber.

Jobs that require a suit upset me. They displease me much, as our world is rife with such superficial conformity.

I'm quite excited to not play a Xena type character - it's probably closer to me than any character I've ever played.

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